Wedding Bells

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Over the next few months, we work on the potion and become closer. We even have dates now and again. But what consumes most of our time is the Tri Wizard Tournament. He helps prepare the trials as well as standing by for emergency situations. The only part of it I'm concerned about is the ball coming up.

One evening while we work I checked my phone and there, above everything else, are two notifications. One for Noella's birthday and the other for her wedding tomorrow. "Oh my god! Severus!" He looks at me for injury. "What's wrong?" I bite my lip. "The wedding is TOMORROW EVENING!" He sits back. "I thought it might be something more important." I smack his arm. "Its important because that means today is her birthday! I have to go! I'll see you tomorrow at 3 ok?" He nods and I run out to my room, grabbing her pet and running to her room. "Noella! Its me!"

The door opens. "What's wrong? Its nearly 1 am." I checked the time and she's right. "I wanted to give you your gift. I'm sorry I missed your birthday. Here." I hand her the carrier and she gasps at what's inside. "You got me a moodstone pigmy puff?! But they're so rare?" I chuckle and hug her. "Nothing is too rare for you. Happy birthday. Get plenty of rest. Tomorrow is the day." She closes the door but I still hear her squeal.

I head back to my room to sleep but end up waking from a nightmare and hour in. I look for the potion Severus made but its empty. I contemplate trying to sleep but its too scary. Instead, I put on some shorts, a tank top and grab my pillow and blanket, hoping this works. I knock on his door and it takes a moment but he opens it. "What are you doing here?" I bite my lip. "I can't sleep and I've run out of the potion you made me. Can I stay here?"

He stares at me for a while before allowing me into his room. I take tentative step inside and once fully in, he locks the door. "Come on. Lets get to sleep." He gets under his covers while I get on top with my own blanket and curl up a foot from his body. "Thank you for this." He says nothing and I think he might be asleep but then he grabs my hand and holds it. With that comforting gesture, I'm off to sleep.


I awake the next morning against something hard and warm. I snuggle closer and breath in the musky scent of cologne. Wait a minute... I open my eyes and blush. Oh my gosh I'm in his bed. I'm in his bed and he's holding me. We slept in his bed and he's holding me while he's asleep. I feel something in my mind. Its a voice. 'Not entirely asleep anymore and yes you slept here, in my bed, last night.' I blush hard and hide my face in my blankets. "What time is it?" I get out of bed, my blankets wrapped around me, and check his clock in the living room. "Oh my god its noon! I over slept! I should have been there an hour ago to finalize the setup!" I run across the hall to my room and hurriedly shower and dress.

I run outside of the grounds and apparate to the manor. The setup is underway and its a wreck so far. I run over to the waiter's and tell them to set up the tables inside the manor around the walls for the reception and halt the caterer's setting up. I grab a flower person and tell them to use red roses around the arbor and leave the white and pink roses for the centerpieces inside. I see the seats being set up wrong and make them change it immediately.

I startle when a hand is placed on my shoulder. Its Narcissa. "Has the cake arrived yet?" She shakes her head. "Is the orchestra and band ready?" She nods. "Are the tables set up around the perimeter of the ball room instead of out here?" She nods. "You need to take a break. Everything will be fine." I sit for a moment before realizing. "Did you say the cake didn't arrive?" She nods. "But I told them to deliver it by 1. Its nearly 2!" I grimace at her. "Do you have a phone I could use?" She nods. "Lucius' study has one. Go on then." I thank her and rush up to his office and use the phone. They say they won't be there until 3 and I tell them to cancel and refund my money. They argue but I win.

Lucius stand in the door way. "Have the house elves made cake before?" He nods. "Have them make a 3 teir green frosted strawberry cake." He stands there. "Go! No time to waste!" He doesn't move. I huff and run past him to the kitchen. I get their attention. "Alright I need a 3 tier strawberry cake with dark green frosting. Decorate with edible gold please." They get to work and I enter the ball room to check last minute touches.

Its nearly 3 so I head back to Hogwarts to get ready. Severus is outside my door. "I do apologize. Please wait in here while I get ready." He sits and I rush to get ready. I walk out of my room and turn my back on him as I finish my hair in a mirror. "Can you zip me please?" He comes behind me silently and looks me in the eyes, through the mirror, as he zips me up. I thank him and sit down to put on my shoes.

Once on I apparate us to the party. "Malfoy is in his room. I'll be in hers. Keep him occupied until the ceremony starts or he may come looking for her." He takes off down the hall and I go to the other. I get into the room and fan my face to keep from crying. "Oh love you look so beautiful. He's gonna cry." She looks so happy. "Alright its about to begin. The others will go before us, myself and then you." She nods.

We all line up but she remains hidden. I grab the best mans arm, Blaise Zabini, and we wait our turn to walk. I have an ear piece in just in case something goes awry. I take in the scene and nod at the decorator. We walk slowly to draw out suspense and the doors closed behind us. When reopened she stands there, hand on her 'fathers' arm as he walks her down the isle. He kisses her cheek and gives her to Draco, who looks near tears. I'm close to crying myself. She hands me the bouquet and takes Draco's other hand as well.

The official starts. "Do you, Noella Elizabeth Greengrass, take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your lawful wedded husband in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in good times and bad, till death do you part?" She sheds a tear as shes says, "I do." and puts the ring on his hand. He says the same and places her ring on. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." They share a sweet kiss and she blushes. "Now introducing the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy!" Everyone cheers.

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