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•Love is yesterday, today and tommorow. It never ends.

"Little Birdie won't talk?" I asked raising an eyebrow up in question staring at the bloodied man sitting on the chair, tied up.

"What will get you to talk now?" I wondered looking up in mock deep thought. "Hmm. Get me my besties" I commanded my men. They scurried off to get it.

I took a chair and sat in front of him. Took of my suit, wouldn't want to stain my sixty thousand dollar Armani suit and rolled my sleeve up. My man dropped the box in front of me. ' My besties ' as I called them.

I looked closely at each of them, then looked up at him "which would you like? Cause I personally can't choose. The hammer is so useful. It hits all the right spots" I paused glancing up at him. "Then the screw driver. It goes in clean and comes out red. The perfect color" I could hear my effect on him. His breathing deepened. "Then the plier. It brings out all the organs I want beautifully" I seriously sounded like a sick pschyo and I am.

Him. Daniel, Vincent's best warrior.

"Haven't made a decision? No? Well I know how difficult it is but I'll help you choose. How about the hammer?" I asked mockingly.

I took it and looked at him, hard. Drove it right into his hands on the hand of the chair. He gave out an agonizing scream. "Shit! Did I hit you hard?"

He looked at me, burning me with murderous intent in them "not hard enough" he spat. His blood splattered all over my white shirt.

"You did not just make my expensive shirt dirty with your blood" I slowly took it off, leaving me naked all up to my torso. "I'll make sure to hit you hard enough Amore."

I took the hammer and drove it time and time, over and over again into his hand, enjoying his screams of pain. His hands a sight to see. Bones squashed. Fingers gone. "Not that painful? Let's try something different"

I took a scissors off the tray, keeping eye contact with him. "What would you love me to cut off first? Fingers? Toes? Anything? I'm here to serve you though" I said sickly, a wide smile plastered on my face.

I took his other hand and held it, staring into it as though it was my core enemy. The scissors slowly inches to his thumb. I cut it off as hard as I could "FUCK!!!" he screamed in pain.

"That's bad. It's not painful. I know. You don't need to pretend. I'll just stop. If you tell me all I want" I gave him an ultimatum.

"You can kill me and I won't say a thing" He spoke lowly, groaning in pain.

"I will kill you. Be patient" I dropped the scissors and took the plier. "Let's try this one shall we?"

Without pausing I plunged the plier into his nose, clamped it and dragged it painfully luckily he had a nose piercing "ARGGGH!!! STOP FUCKER. STOP" he screamed again. I kept dragging it.

"Just say the words and I'll stop" I paused it and took the plier to the other side of his nose. Dragging like I did to his previous nose. He didn't answer me but kept screaming.

Fuck, he's getting me frustrated. Fucking pissed. I took a gun from my man's pocket and shot his bleeding legs. "SHIT!! FUCKING STOP. STOP BITCH. STOP" He screamed louder than before.

I bent down in front of him and put my fingers on his burning bullet wound. I pushed it in. Forcing it in. I know how painful that is. "I'll tell you. Fucking stop. I'll say it" he screamed again.

"You could have said that all along. Fucking screamer" I said standing up and cleaning my black pants.

"Tell me."

"Germany, Baveria, Amberg. Egypt, Cairo, Al Haram. France, Paris, Dax. Iraq, Baghad, Sadam city. Algeria, Algiers, Casbah. Spain, Madrid, Rascafria. Switzerland, Bern, Thun" he paused for a moment.

"Don't stop now. Just three more to go" I reminded pushing my fingers into his bullet wound again.

"Croatia, Zagreb, Valentici. Romania, Bucharest, Ilfov. Rome, Vatican city, St. Peters Basilica. That's all" he spat again looking at me with hate.

"There's no need to hate me. Vincent won't meet you to kill you. He won't even ever know. You met me. Just say goodbye" I said bitterly and shot him straight into his heart

"Burn him and car together. I hope you got all that?" I asked raising an eye brow at my men as I walked out of the room.

"Yes boss."

"Good. Let's wait and strike."


I just introduced y'all to the man of the book. How do y'all like him? Too bad or nah?

And man I had to do some research to get those names😫

Well this book is currently being rewritten. I'll start from the aesthetics down to the last chapter before I release it again.

I'll just leave this up for now till further notice. Thanks for understanding y'all.

This book is bout to get better❤️

If I Loved You • Book One • * RV*Where stories live. Discover now