5 • Angel •.

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Black on black, new phantom in the back seat sipping red
Dollaz on my head

There was a knock on my office door. I called back for the person to come in. Lot confidently strutted in not before greeting me.

Almost rolling my eyes I looked up at him for him to speak. "We've brought Joe in. He's down at the ROOM".

This was the first good news of the day. Seems like today would be a bright one. Immediately, I stood up and began walking down the hall and then the stairs to get to the ROOM.

Everyone in the mafia has heard of the ROOM but funny enough, lucky are those who have never been in it. The only people who go in there are Jonathan, Adrian, John and Lot.

It's like my own personal torture room. We do have a torture room but mine is elite. The machineries there are designed for wicked hands. It's like a BDSM loft but there's no safe word and anything is allowed, no limits.

I keep it updated and nothing ever runs out. It's specifically designed for my enemies and for people who turn against me like Joe.

The room was cold when I stepped in but it didn't deter me from my mission.

Joe sat in a chair, loosely and looking uncomfortable. We didn't tie him to the chair as I know he won't attempt any escape.

He was unconscious when I came in so I took a bottle of ice water and poured it on him. Immediately, he woke up with a start not recognizing his surroundings untill he saw me.

As soon as he did he began begging cause he knew what was about to happen to him and it gave me joy that he did.

"I'm sorry sir. My family was threatened. Please spare me this once" his weak voice pleaded.

I smiled, a cold smile and sat in the chair directly in front of him. "Did you think of when I would catch you?"

Tears began to fall out his eyes. " Crap throw him a pity party for God's sake" i groaned when I saw the tears.

He sat up that is as far as he could, putting his hands together pleading. "sir I swear I won't repeat it. I'll be loyal"

Lot leaned down my ear and told he was going for a conference call and would see me soon. "send John in" He nodded and left.

I turned back to Joe. "so you're only excuse is that you were threatened?"

He nodded furiously in agreement. Immediately a cold chuckle came out of me.  "So you didn't accept the sum of thirty million dollars to infiltrate the gang?".

As soon as he heard this he knew it was over for him. But it seemed like he still had fight in him as he jumped up running towards the door. A smile came on my face. As soon as he opened the door he hit John. 

Who pulled him back to the chair after locking the door and put the key in his pocket. "trying to run Joe?" He laughed out. "you know I liked you. It'll make me sad to burn you" with a sad face.

Joe's pleads began again getting on my nerves for real this time. "shut the fuck up" I said calmly.

He still continued crying. Deciding to shut him up I gave him an upper cut and that shut him up, for a few seconds.

"My kids sir. My wife" Do I look like I give a fuck about this man's family

I turned his chin to face me "Joe look me in the eye. Do I look like I give a fuck? John please get me the scissors" I pointed at the table.

Soon the scissors were in my hands. I held his hands up, pretending to admire his finger nails "Nice and long. You don't trim it do you?" He began to struggle with me, trying to push me away.

If I Loved You • Book One • * RV*Where stories live. Discover now