1 •Veronica•

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I've been running through the jungle, I've been crying with the wolves to get to you

Groggily I rolled over to turn my alarm off. It's a Monday. Our favorite day of the week isn't it? Don't let my sarcasm affect you. It's who I am.

Anyway I sat up, looking around me disoriented. I feel like staying home. I think I should. That's up untill my phone rang. 'bitch'

I picked It up knowing it would be Jonathan. "What?" My voice came out hoarse, scratchy and extremely unattractive.

"Umm. I don't know? You've got work in an hour. You've got a board meeting in an hour thirty minutes and a case four hours from now? I guess" he rapped out.

Dude "it's just seven don't stress me out Soo much. I know I've got work that I'll soon quit" the job wasn't even paying as much as it stressed me out and that wasn't my forte no more. So I would soon quit. I just need my last pay check.

"Finally. Damn I've waited long for this. The job wasn't helping at all" he said happily. He would definitely be happy.

"Be happy all you want but you know what I haven't figured out?" I questioned in a fake chirpy voice.

"What haven't you?"

"What damned job I'm going to be taking to make me some money" I almost screamed out. Joblessness was a real thing ladies and gents and it seemed like it would soon be my thing.

I heard him let out a dramatic snort as though saying 'OMG girl?' "what was the purpose of being best friends if this wasn't one of my jobs?I'll get you not less than five interviews before the end of the month so don't be worried"

I'm not using him I swear. It's just that he's rich, popular and wealthy. Did I say rich? He's got a black card too. I mean I would date him if he wasn't like a brother to me.

"You know I love you right? Like a whole lot? You're my second love" I cooed.

I could literally see him roll his eyes "Umm and who's your first?"

"Me of course. Who else? It's called self love Jon and I think you should have it" I said laughing.

I stood up to go get ready for the day. "I've got to go. Bye" I told him.

He replied me and I cut the call.

Mondays. Oh sweet mondays. The day of hang overs, the day of rushing and thousands of straight faces. No one was ever happy on Mondays. And child if you're ever happy on Monday?

I've got a really good friend of mine who's a renowned therapist and the first three visits are free. So yeah try it out.

Anyway back to my Monday, since this book IS about me. I brushed my teeth quick, mouth washer and all. Took a quick shower and choose me a dress for today.

I chose a black slack and white top with a black jacket. I'm a lawyer and yes I shouldn't be too flashy so, this will do. I also wore a black dress shoes to match with it and jewellery to make me look like I wasn't broke.

After dressing up and putting on some light make-up, I walked to my kitchen and decided on a simple toasted bread, egg and tea. No coffee for me or I would be too hyped up and all which I definitely did not want to be.

As I was eating I looked at my watch, I still had thirty minutes left before I would be fired from work if I came late. Still I will not forget that I live in a city whose traffic is like a tortoise, slow as hell.

Not having any time on me, I just dumped my dishes in the sink. I would regret that when I come back from work tired as hell. Still I would regret getting fired without my last paycheck. My boss was bitchy like that, fire me without giving me any paycheck. I would sue her though.

If I Loved You • Book One • * RV*Where stories live. Discover now