2 •Angel•

7 0 0

But I'm scared if I do then I'll be more afraid
                   Leave me alone

I got down my Ford and rushed into the airport, I was ten minutes late and I'm pretty sure Lot would be pissed but boss privileges I guess.

With my hands in my pocket I walked into the plane, head held high.

At the back Lot sat opposite Adrian while Jonathan sat on the fourth row. "Good evening man" he greeted and I nodded in acknowledgement.

I walked down to Lot and here it comes "Why do you always have to be late? You should show good examples to your employees you know"

Ignoring him, I sat down after nodding at Adrian. "Go ahead snub me. You made the time of departure and couldn't keep up to it?"

This fucker is really starting to annoy me "Can you shut the fuck up? Who's the boss? Me, I make the rules and not you don't nag me about nothing."

That cut it, he got my statement. Soon, we heard the announcement from the pilot requesting that we put on our belts and seat belts because we were about to take off.

We sat back and waited and soon we were in the air. I leaned back, taking out my laptop to carry out some work.

"Adrian, can you come over here for a second?" I asked as I noticed a deformity in the dates and carriages.

He walked over and sat beside me "Didn't the carriage for India land on the twentieth?" I questioned.

"Of course it did. You were informed" He answered.

"Then why does it read eighteenth on here? How much did the Indian Mafia pay for the carriage?"

He looked up, thinking for a while "Well they paid us thirty million dollars for thirty packages of coke"

"It reads here that they paid in a total of twenty million. Where is the rest of the money?" Someone in my game is trying to outsmart me.

"It must be typographical error then." He answered hesitantly.

"As soon as we land I want the accountant to send me the original of the transaction and any other transaction carried out that day and after that" I looked over at Lot, he looked unbothered as he simply used his phone.

"Lot come over here. You should know about this" he stood and came over to me.

"What's up" he asked nonchalantly.

He was beginning to make me angry "Can you please explain this? Who the fuck is trying to play me?"

"I don't know. Angel you're you! Who would try to play you?" I smiled looking up and shaking my head.

Not long after, lot had a gun pointed to his head "I hate playing games and you know it, I'll ask again what the hell is happening"

At this he became serious "okay I'm feeling tensed with the gun on my head" I took the gun out and back into my jeans "so basically ten million is missing. I'll check it out soon boss, give me till tommorow"

I agreed with him after which I told him to get out of my sight. The fucker gets really annoying.

After checking up on a few more things I put my laptop off and leaned back to sleep.


"All passengers should please be on their seats with the seat belts on and all electronic devices switched off. We'll be landing in not less than ten minutes. Thank you" a feminine voice informed us. Which also woke me up.

If I Loved You • Book One • * RV*Where stories live. Discover now