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Y/n Hargreeves POV:

"Finally, the whole family is back... Took you'll long enough" I said as I stretched out my arms and let out a huge yawn, 

"are you all seeing young  Y/n as well?" Klaus questioned again, this time everyone nodded in response, "This day just keeps on getting messier" exclaimed Luther,

"Shall we head inside?" I asked as I started walking back not waiting for a response I went in and picked out a packet of chips from a cabinet and sat down at one of the chairs,

"Shall we head inside?" I asked as I started walking back not waiting for a response I went in and picked out a packet of chips from a cabinet and sat down at one of the chairs,

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 well in this way... of course not as poised but you get the idea, 

as I waited for everyone else to come in, Vanya came and sat on the chair next to me as Allison stood behind us, I slowly slipped my hand and held Vanya's I knew how happy she was seeing that five was alive and alright, they both had a little thing for each other, She saw me and smiled wholeheartedly and softly whispered "welcome back", then turned her attention back to five not leaving my hand, 

five was at the other end of the table as he kept down a chopping board, I was still munching on my chips with my free hand as the packet was on my lap, 

"What's the date, the exact date?" he began as he walked over to get bread, 

"The 24th", Vanya replied

"Of what?" 



"So are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asked as he glanced at me and five, I just stared back at him blankly and pointed towards five, he was sitting across me on the other side and behind him was Deigo and on the table in the middle was Klaus, my favorite brother, Five was too engrossed in making his sandwich so he looked at me again and before I could say anything he began, 

"It's been 17 years", five and I scoffed in unison

"It's been a lot longer than that" five replied annoyed,

"A lot" I repeated with my mouth full, I think Luther was trying to block five's path but then five did that spatial jump thingy of his and disappeared from in front of him and appeared behind him to get something from the top shelf,

"I haven't missed that" Luther whispered,

"where'd you go?" Deigo looked at me and asked,

"To the future, it's shit btw" five replied before I got the chance,

"Called it," me and Klaus said it together, letting out a giggle at our answer,

"I wasn't asking you, I was asking y/n" Diego replied harshly,

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