About Requests!

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Welcome to the Request page!

When it comes to a request, there a lot I'll end up asking you. It's best to have an idea in mind of what exactly you want.

[CHARACTER] x Reader:
I am a very big Marvel fan so don't worry about me not knowing a certain character. Feel free to choose whichever character your heart desires (no matter small or big role).

When it comes to you as the reader, I'd like to know your preferred pronouns (if you don't specify, I'll most likely use female pronouns [she/her/hers]).

POV (Point Of View):
There are four main types of POVs I tend to write in. Most of them you'll find in 3rd person omniscient or 3rd person limited. Definitions and examples of each are below for fourth clarifications. If you don't specify, your request will automatically be written in 3rd person omniscient or 3rd person limited.

1st Person: The protagonist relaying their experiences; uses "I, me, mine"
Eg: "I saw the way he looked at me, and I couldn't tell if my mind was deceiving me when he smiled."
2nd Person: The pronoun "you" is used to address the reader with their experiences; uses "you, yours, you're, your"
Eg: "You saw the way he looked at you, and you couldn't tell if your mind was deceiving you when he smiled."
3rd Person Omniscient: This is a common form of third-person narration in which the teller of the tale, who often appears to speak with the voice of the author himself, assumes an omniscient (all-knowing) perspective on the story being told; uses "she, her, hers"/"he, him, his"/"they, them, theirs"
Eg: "She saw the way he looked at her, and she couldn't tell of her mind was deceiving her when he smiled. He did smile though since he was always very fond of her."
3rd Person Limited: Focussing a third-person narration through the eyes of a single character; uses "she, her, hers"/"he, him, his"/"they, them, theirs"
Eg: "She saw the way he looked at her, and she couldn't tell if her mind was deceiving her when he smiled."

Content/Story Type:
We all know that when we click on a fanfiction book on Wattpad that we might need to wash our eyes with Holy Water after reading some. We also all know that not everyone on this app is an adult, so in order to reduce making people uncomfortable, when it comes to a request tell me what type of content you want to read! I do fluff, spice, implied smut, and angst (I would prefer to not actually write smut). My personal definitions for each of these are below:

Fluff: Cute things that happen between [character] and the reader. (Eg: Cute kissy moments, healthy and clean PDA, cuddling, cute cheesy lines.)
Spice: The step before smut. (Eg: Rougher kissing, undressing, slight vocal addition to "getting rough" as some would say.)
Implied smut: Nothing smutty is actually written, but you can imply that the [character] and the reader probably did the deed. This is often paired with spice and will either end the imagine or there will be a break in the story. (Eg: The iconic line "Are you sure you want to do this?")
Angst: Deeper topics are touched upon within the imagine. (Eg: Mentions of mental health, death, drugs/alcohol, contemplating life)
If you happen to have a request, please message me with the details of what you want the imagine to be! If you're not sure of a plot, feel free to choose one of the "one-line prompts" from below (bold and italics distinguish between two different characters):

Name/Nickname (optional):
The best part about this section is you can use any name your heart desires, any nickname you want, or you could just leave it simply as [Y/N]!

Description (optional):
Again, you can do any description you want of the reader. It doesn't have to look like you so feel free to let your creativity run wild! If you don't feel like describing, you can also just leave it as [H/C] or [E/C].

Readers tend to have an idea of what type of imagine they'd like so feel free to write a brief outline of the plot you'd like. If your unsure or you'd like it to be a surprise, pick a "one-lined dialogue prompt" from below! (Lines with both bold and italics are a conversation between [character] and the reader).

1. "Shut up." "I didn't say anything." "I don't care. Shut up."
2. "Just kiss me already."
3. "Curse you and your silvertongue."
4. "Are you crazy? You could've gotten me killed!"
5. "What do you mean? That was the plan all along!"
6. "Yeah, hi, sorry but Earth is closed today."
7. "Do you know why I brought you here?"
8. "Excuse me? I know those words did not just come out of your mouth."
9. "Who doesn't love [food]: The only good thing on Earth."
10. "You don't get to love me! You lost that chance!"
11. "Move on, already. I'm sure there's tons of other [guys/girls/people] willing to date you."
12. "Well, sorry I'm not a science nerd like you are!"
13. "Death is coming to me soon, I know it." "You'll be fine. You just have a fever."
13. "Can we go home yet?"
14. "Twelve more minutes, please!" "Twelve? Don't you mean five?" "No, I need more than five minutes of beauty sleep."
15. "Oh, really now? Hmm...I think I can persuade you differently."
16. "You have been in there for thirty minutes! How long does it take to do your hair?"
17. "Give me a break. I've been working my ass off all week."
18. "Apparently no one understand what the weekend means! It means no one has any work and they're taking a break, so these aliens better stop invading on my day off."
19. "How much did you drink?" "Just a wee little tiny bit." "Ok, so a lot then."
20. "I'm sorry but what?"
21. "No, you don't because if you did, you wouldn't have gone out with [him/her/them]."
22. "I'm partnered with web-slinger?"
23. "Haha, that's a ridiculous nickname...oh, that's your actual name?"
24. "Wake me up when the world isn't ending."
25. "Try me."
26. "Do you trust me?"
27. "Stop being so stubborn and let me love you!"
28. "If [he/she/they] die, that's on you and I'll never forgive you for it."
29. "You think your greater than a God?"
30. "I didn't mean it. I promise, I didn't mean it. I love you more than anything."

*NOTICE: Since I am still in Uni, it might take a while for your imagine to be published. Thank you for understanding the delay with this and I promise it'll be published eventually!

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