Steve Rogers/Captain America

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Tony was throwing a party like usual, and all the Avengers were going. Steve, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and even you went. Being the youngest one in the Avengers group, everyone looked out for you.

You didn't have the skills like any of the other Avengers; you were one of Striker's experiments. You still remember that day when the Avengers rescued you. 


Gun shots everywhere. All of your friends had been killed. Striker had used you as an experiment, and you were the only one left alive.

Striker leaned towards your ear and whispered. "Kill them all."

You nodded, scared. You were telekinetic and telepathic which means you could move things with your mind . But you used hand motions to make it more easier for you to concentrate. You could also hear everyone else's thoughts.

You sent out and of course, a teenager walking out of a big building all by herself got everyone's attention quickly.

Clint/ Hawkeye aimed an arrow at you, causing you to hold your hand out, and it in slammed sideways into a tree.

Steve/Captain America threw his shield, but holding your hand out, it ended up coming to a dead stop and dropping on the ground a few feet away from you.

Thor threw his hammer, but the same effect had happened. Tony/Iron Man tried shooting you, but the blasts hung in the air like a heavy fog.

They new you were unstoppable, and you knew to. Striker came out of the big stone building behind you, and took you to finish them off.

You looked at the Avengers, and shook your head no. You heard his thoughts for his plans, and they didn't do anyone but himself justice.

Turning around, you prevented him from moving. Everyone got ready to fight, and eventually, together you killed Striker.

From that day on, you were known as K-netic.

~End of Flashback~

All the Avengers were talking while sitting on the couch. You were seeing who could lift Thor's hammer.

"If you put the hammer in an elevator, what would happen?" You asked, and the Avengers just thought for a moment.

"Well I think that this whole 'you can't lift the hammer if your not worthy' is bullcrap." Clint said.

"Well, be my guest to lift it." Thor said pointing to the hammer. Clint nodded and got up. He grabbed the hammer's handle, but failed to pull it off of the table.

Tony then tried, and after a failed attempt, got his Iron Man suit on, but he failed again.

Bruce tried, but dramatically failed. Then Steve tried, and it moved a little. Natasha and you laughed at the sight of the boys trying to lift the hammer.

"Well if you think it's so funny, why don't you try to lift it?" Clint said to you two.

You and Natasha exchanged glances. Natasha rolled her eyes, and said no.

"[Insert your name here] come on, you try it!" Steve said.

"Fine." You said, rolling your eyes, holding out your hand. You focused on the hammer and within seconds, the hammer flew towards your hand and you caught it's handle.

Everyone all looked at you.

"What? I am telekinetic. I can move everything." You said.

Suddenly, glass broke and you all got up from the couch. Turning around, you saw what looked like one of Tony's Iron Man suits.

"Who are you?" You were the first to ask.

"I had this dream, or at least I thought it was a dream. I was attached to these...strings." The robot spoke, looking around. You repeated your question, with a bitter tone.

"I don't know who I am, actually. The other guy would've known. He was nice, but I had to kill him." The robot spoke.

"Wait, you killed someone?" Steve asked.

"Nice guy. Real smart, too." The robot nodded.

"Oh my god...Tony it's-" Bruce started.

"Ultron." Tony whispered.

You tried reaching into the robot's mind, but you failed. The robot shifted in front of the Avengers, and all of Tony's Iron Man suits flew our of his office window. They all went after the Avengers, but you couldn't concentrate on each one of them to stop them.

You focused on one, and after ripping the head off of it, it fell to the floor with a loud thunk!. You destroyed another, but two more crowded you: one in front of you, and one behind you. You tried moving the one behind you, but it was no use. The one behind you, held wrapped it's arms around yours to prevent you from moving. The one in front, walked closer and closer to you. You tried to move but you couldn't.

"You Avengers are no match for me, and you all know it! I will kill you one by one." Ultron spoke, and the Avengers turned to look at each other bur saw you surrounded. You saw Steve's shield on the ground, along with Thor's Hammer. You tried to reach into Ultrons mind again. You saw his thoughts, and froze.

You tried getting one of your hands loose, and you did. Slowly, you reached your hand out towards the all and mighty hammer, while looking at the robot in front of you. The Hammer flew towards you, and you caught it. Throwing it at the robot in front of you, you watched as it destroyed it.

Robot pieces flew everywhere, and with one quick force, you moved the hammer towards Ultron, and he shattered.

"The strings are gone. I am free." He spoke, before crashing to the ground. Steve ran over to you as you looked at the parts of robots.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and you just stood there.

"I saw his thoughts." You whispered. "He wanted to kill everyone. Destroy Earth. Make humans extinct." You spoke, facing him.

"He's gone now." Steve said, pulling you into a hug. "And if it weren't for you, we'd all be dead."

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