Steve Rogers/Captain America Imagine: It's 1942

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Warning: None
Word Count: 799 words
Quick A/N: All of these imagines in this book are written with female pronouns (she/her/hers) only because that is how I am used to writing. Feel free to ask for a change in pronouns when you request your imagine. Happy reading! ~ July 13, 2022
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She had always been fascinated with World War II, especially with the people behind it. She had books on the war and lots of biographies. Aside from her great-uncle who served in the war at a very young age, one of the people she thought to be most fascinating was known as Captain America.

The war hero had helped save hundred of thousands of people from the German's Nazi grasp, and frankly, she aspired to be a great as him. Perhaps not risking her life just as he did, but she wanted to help others. That's why she decided to work at S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.

"Agent [Y/L/N]!" Nick pulled them from her thoughts, and her eyes wandered from her phone to his face. She straightened her back, tucking her phone out of sight.

"Yes, sir?" [Y/N] inquired, facing the man.

"We have a task for you," Fury had started. "We discovered something a few days ago and we think you're the best agent for the job. You're familiar with the World War II era, correct?" She nodded with a slight smile. "Good."

[Y/N] didn't expect to be forced to wear a 1942 nurse's uniform in a fake hospital bedroom. That's not really how she intended to meet Captain America. The old radio had been wired to play an old baseball game, but in her mind she knew it was before the soldier had enlisted. [Y/N] impatiently tapped her foot on the tile floor; who knew it would be so boring waiting for one of America's greatest heroes? She looked out towards the fake window at the fake New York skyline, but stirring pulled them away and her eyes went to Captain America.

"Where am I?" The man spoke, sitting up a little to look at the agent.

She played it cool and calm, just as if she were instructed to. "You're in New York Hospital."

"What year is it?" He quietly asked.

"1942, of course," She responded with a smile. Steve turned to the radio and listened. He looked back at them.

"The Dodgers are winning, huh? And they're versing the Giants?" He asked.

[Y/N] nodded. She hoped this wouldn't ruin the plan. "Yep, and I sure do hope that they win."

"This was September 27th. I already saw this game. Dodgers won eight to one," He stood up and so did [Y/N]. "What year is it?"

She gave another smile, but it didn't help that her voice shook. "It's 1942." She knew he wouldn't believe it, and at that point, there was nothing else to do. He had pushed his way out of the makeshift hospital room and [Y/N] grabbed the portable intercom and spoke: "This is Agent [Y/L/N], Captain America is out of containment. He's heading outside."

It took Steve quite a long time to try and get used to modern day. A close eye was kept on him by S.H.I.E.L.D. but when Fury decided to move along with his plan of assembling the Avengers, he asked Agent [Y/L/N] to join him.

"You're the first person he met when he woke up, and I personally think he might be more comfortable adjusting with you by his side," He paused to look at her. "Just keep an eye on him and let him know we wanna talk. If this whole Avengers plan is going to work, it has to have him in it."

It was rather easy to find the man practicing on his boxing in a local gym. She didn't know how to approach him, but when he punched the bag so hard it launched off the chains and into the wall he turned to her.

"I had a feeling Fury would need me," He mumbled, setting up another bag quickly. "What's it this time?"

"They're putting together a team, Captain Rogers-" She started

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"They're putting together a team, Captain Rogers-" She started.

"Please, call me Steve," Between punches, he offered her a smile. "Captain Rogers is too..."

"Too 1942?" She chuckled.

He nodded, steadying the bag before walking towards her. "It was you in that room when I woke up, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, not my idea. You can thank the people in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D for that one," She sighed. "I don't think we ever properly met. I'm Agent [L/N]," She extended her hand and he gently shook it. "But call me [Y/N]."

"Pleasure to finally meet you," He smiled. "Now, I believe we have business to discuss?"

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