Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Imagine: Protector

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You were sitting in your room at Stark Towers. You were a part of the Avengers, known as Controller. (A/N: Controller is not a real Marvel superhero, just to make that clear)

You were born with these powers that could charmspeak or control any person. You didn't know why you had these powers, but you know everyone hated you. Tony Stark hated you, along with the rest of the Avengers besides Steve and Bucky. Your birth family hated you, and every single foster family you was giving to. You had no one who didn't have the slightest hated for you.

You had been hated your entire life, and you couldn't take it. But you still managed to walk downstairs, knowing that someone would say something mean to you.

You walked down stairs, to see Tony, Steve, and Bucky.

"Why are you still here? You're gonna get us all killed just like you got Phill killed," Tony spat to you.

You couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed Natasha's gun which was lying on the counter. You handed it to Tony, who was a little bit shocked.

"If I'm gonna get you all killed, don't you think it would be a super fantastic thing to get rid of me? I'm done, shoot me. I dare you," You hissed.

"How do I know you won't stop me, Control?" Tony said.

"I won't stop you," You spoke, and then the clicking of the gun sounded. Steve and Bucky looked at Tony.

"I didn't load the gun!" Tony said.

"Eh hem, I'm waiting Tony, Mr. Playboy. Are you gonna shoot me or just let me live and get your Avengers killed?" You said.

"You want me to shoot you-" Tony spoke.

"If this is going to take forever, I can just pull the trigger myself," You said.

"Wait so like actually shoot you?" Tony asked, looking at the gun.

"Tony, shoot me now! Kill me already!" You yelled.

"Okay, that's enough," Bucky yelled, standing up from the couch.

You were a little scared that Bucky had yelled...but he was standing you for you.

"No one will kill anyone," He said. He walked over to Tony, and grabbed the gun, crushing it with his metal arm.

"That was Natasha's gun," Tony said.

"I don't care," Bucky hissed.

He walked over to you, and you backed up.

"[Insert your name here], don't ever do that again," Bucky said.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to be a controller," You say, almost at tears.

"You're not going to hurt anyone. Trust me. Agent Phil wasn't your fault." Bucky spoke, pulling you into a tight hug. "Your not going to get the Avengers killed."

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