Molly Hosts a Sleepover

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"Yeahhhh!! Girl's night!!" Violet giggled as she shoved Chloe through the beaded door. The Sunday evening aura was thick with fog and sad-sounding indie music. Mixed with the low purple light, it oozed tranquility... just what I needed to get over my anxiety about Adam and paperwork.

I welcomed my blue-eyed companion as I puffed on a joint. "Do you smoke?"

"Bro, she's an artist, of course she does."

Chloe nodded, plopping down on the soft rug next to me. I passed her the weed, watching as she took a puff and ignoring my heart jump when my phone dinged with another message.

"Who the fuck are you texting?" Violet asked, reaching for the joint. "You've been obsessive tonight."

"Toby fucking told Gabe," I spat, punching in a snarky reply to my friend's text-lecture.

Violet almost choked on the smoke. "The fuck? They don't even vibe like that. Why would he blab?" Then continued smoking.

"I dunno." Though Toby was a mind-reader, so he probably knew his threat to punish me in front of the family would need Gabe's support. Oof... the image of them talking about me behind my back made my insides quiver in nervousness. "Whatever. Gabe won't do anything. He always gives in to me." With an eye roll, I tossed my phone aside and accepted the joint from Violet.

"What did you do?" Chloe asked.

I didn't have time to answer because my phone blasted a classical music tune, vibrating in sync with the violins. Swearing under my breath, I reluctantly answered.

"Why is it so dark? Turn on a proper light so I can see your face." Gabe's voice was a different kind of stern than he was with others... more gentle, but still no nonsense. Sensing he wouldn't be pleased at how I was passing the time with my friends, I dropped the joint into the ashtray before obeying. Once my room was illuminated, Gabe asked, "How did you get so behind on your work?"

"I've been busy..."

"Getting high and gossiping with Violet? Is she there listening to the scolding I'm about to give you?"

Blood rushing to my face, I looked down and gave a weak nod.

"Clo's here too!" Violet scooted into view of the camera. "You still workin'? Good you never FaceTime me, I wouldn't answer that shit."

"You think I'd waste my time on calls? I'd come straight over with a bag of implements."

"Ooooo, so scary," she teased.

Violet's attempts to shift his attention were futile — Gabe was too focused on me. "The doc spanked you two weeks ago, and you still haven't caught up."

I chewed on my lower lip, twiddling my thumbs and squirming. "I didn't have time."

"Bullshit." There was an intense silence as I continued avoiding eye contact, Violet pondered how to intervene, and Chloe took a hit off my discarded joint. When Gabe had enough of making me suffer in his disappointment, he said, "Tonight is your final warning. If you don't accomplish something tomorrow, we'll discuss it at our next meeting."

Now I looked up. "What?? Noooo!! That's not fair..."

"Ooooo I didn't know she could get in trouble, too." Violet slapped me on the arm. "Better do your shit, sis."

"It's my day off! That's not fairrrrrrr!" My eyes welled up with tears.

"These are the consequences of not completing your tasks sooner."

Violet laughed. "Bro, you're so much nicer to her!"

The panic of potentially getting disciplined in front of the others had me sputtering. "But... I won't have time... I already have plans... and I'll just... not go to the meeting!"

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