Good Thing

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February 14th, 9:47am

Darjeeling's dorm room, HMS Ark Royal

Kay opened her eyes and groaned. She had a splitting headache but still remembered everything from the previous night. Darjeeling had once again gotten carried away, and had dragged Kay over to help her with her "issues."

Kay had enjoyed it even if she somewhat didn't want to be there. Kay looked around the room, seeing the state that it was left in after the previous night's escapades. Clothing was laying all over the place, there were still a small dent in the wall from when Darjeeling had gotten a bit too feisty. The only thing that didn't appear completely trashed was a white bathrobe laid over a chair.

Kay gently got out of the bed, realizing how sore she was after her "activities" from last night. The robe had a note written on a piece of yellow cardstock. "Good morning my little pie, I'm sure you're tired, so why don't you put this on and come join me for breakfast?"

"What a sweetheart. Crap, I still need to go get her a present for Valentine's Day."

Kay put on the robe and checked herself out in the mirror. "Fits like a glove, as expected from her."

The door slowly opened as Kay tried sticking out her head to see what was going on in the kitchen. Darjeeling was standing in front of the stove, in a similar robe to the one Kay was in. A large pot of water was on one of the burners, with a box of eggs and a bottle of vinegar next to it on the counter. Kay sneaked up behind Darjeeling before wrapping her arms around the girl in a tight hug, lifting her slightly off the ground.

"Kay, please put me down!" Darjeeling yelped.

"Awwww, you're so cute when you're scared. What are you making anyway?" Kay set Darjeeling down before looking over her shoulder.

"I was attempting to make some poached eggs but you had to come in here and distract me."

"I'm sorry for that."

"Just please don't do that again."

"As you wish, angel." Kay gave Darjeeling's neck a kiss, before moving away to find something else to do while breakfast was being made.


Darjeeling was curled up into a ball in Kay's lap, rubbing her face against the soft fabric of Kay's shirt. Kay was trying to focus on a rerun of an old race in America, but Darjeeling's constant movements and random purring didn't help.

"What's wrong?" Darjeeling asked with a smug smile.

"I love you, but do you really have to be doing that right now?"

"I'm cold though. You're the warmest thing in my dorm right now."

Kay looked out the window, seeing a thin layer of snow out on the grass. A large group of dark clouds loomed overhead, waiting to dump snow until it's higher than the door.

"Want me to get you a blanket?"

"But that means you're going to get up." Darjeeling looked up with Kay, her eyes watering up.

"Ugh, here." Kay took her jacket off the back of the couch and wrapped Darjeeling with it.

"It's so warm..." Darjeeling nuzzled up against Kay's neck.

"Gosh you are such a mess sometimes."

"But I'm your mess, and that's all that matters." Darjeeling turned around to watch the TV. "What's this?"

A bright yellow car with multicolor dots was leading, followed by a blue and yellow car, and then a yellow and black car. The three of them dove deep into the first turn, trying to out brake the others. Both yellow cars ran wide as the blue one stayed on track. When the leading yellow car tried to merge back on track going up the hill, the blue car got in the back of him. The yellow car spun while the two others kept on going.

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