She Drives Me Crazy

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"Does this remind you of somewhere?" Kay said as she sprawled herself across the bed. Darjeeling set down her bags next to a desk on the opposite wall from the bed, before crawling up next to Kay.

"We spent so many days in these..."

"All those memories coming back to you now?"

"Yeah. Remember getting woken up by that air horn?"

"I think I woke up and saw them holding that, not them blasting it to wake us up."

"Oh, sorry. My brain tends to get fuzzy sometimes when I'm around you."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment, even if I want you to remember our fun times."

"Don't think I didn't forget the messes we made in one of these. Just because you wanted to take me out here doesn't mean you get to get all over me like that again."

"How do you know that you won't make the move first?"

"Because unlike you, I tend to have my head on straight when having some naughty thoughts."

"You were a mess during that rainy day last time," Kay teased.

"I'm going to put that one on you for managing to make me get that way."

"So what would you like to have for dinner tonight anyways?"

"Can we get seafood?" Kay could see Darjeeling's eyes sparkle in the sunlight coming in the hotel window.

"If that's what you want angel." Kay leaned over, feeling Darjeeling's lips again.


"I'm not sure what happened but I think you ate a semi truck of fish," Kay said while lying down on the couch.

"Are you sure I ate that much?"

"Well, according to the receipt it says that you ordered 10 things of Fish and Chips, so you tell me."

"Maybe I just wanted some extra energy in me?"

"I think you just like our better than the ones over in Britain."

"Or maybe I just indulged a little bit knowing I was seeing you." Kay sat up, only to be met with Darjeeling's lips.

"Do you just love to kiss me all the time?" Kay whispered.

"It's to get back at you for all the times you kissed me in other places," Darjeeling teased. "Now try not to cause a ruckus while I try to take a shower."

"I'll be waiting here for you. Just don't use all the hot water since I'm going to take one next." Darjeeling smirked at Kay as she entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Gently undressing, she let the hot water flow out until it was the right temperature to step in. Letting her hair down, she stepped into the water, letting it roll down her before starting to apply soap. Soon the thought of Kay walking in began to creep into her mind.

"Those hungry eyes would be all over me. Looking at me like a piece of prey, perfect for ravaging until she gets tired." Darjeeling felt her body starting to heat up. "Although with that little extra weight she put on, I be her skin would be as smooth as silk. And those thighs, so sensitive to my lips..." Darjeeling brought a hand down, feeling herself in the warm water. "To feel that tongue run across me again. To feel her inside me... I just want all of her again." Darjeeling moved her hand farther, accidentally rubbing her clit, and causing her legs to almost buckle. "That's it. I'm done waiting around for months. I'm going to give her all of me tonight."

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