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Kay brought a hand up to her forehead, looking around the plaza below her. Darjeeling put her hand on Kay's shoulder, slightly curious as to what she was doing. Darjeeling soon stepped back however, when she had realized how far it was to the ground below them. It was easy to hide it when on the school ship, but when Kay was around, she struggled to hide herself away.

"Are you alright?" Kay asked as she turned around. Darjeeling had brought both of her hands to her face, trying to cover her eyes. Still, Darjeeling nodded. Kay stepped towards the frightened blonde, wrapping her arms around Darjeeling with a firm hold. Darjeeling brought her hands down, only to receive a kiss softly planted on her lips. Kay smirked, running one of her hands through Darjeeling's long flowing hair.

"Want to just go look at the planes instead?" Kay whispered. Darjeeling nodded once more, following her girlfriend over to a parked airplane towards the rear of the deck.

Its dark blue paint shined in the sunlight, the wings folded up around the cockpit. A large white font read "505" on the engine cover. Darjeeling looked underneath the wings, spotting a pair of mock bombs on the wings, and a large black drop tank underneath the fuselage.

Kay stepped behind Darjeeling, gently wrapping her arms around to her stomach. Leaning with her head over Darjeeling's shoulder, she swayed side to side, cuddling the blonde. Darjeeling turned her head, and brought her hand up to Kay's face. Putting her forehead against Kay's she softly kissed the girl. "Just because we're in public doesn't mean you have to flaunt our relationship," Darjeeling whispered.

"I'm just doing my best. Wouldn't want someone to start hitting on you, now would I," Kay whispered. "Are you done looking at the Bearcat?" Darjeeling nodded, letting herself walk across the wooden deck to white and orange plane, with large black lettering on the back end of the fuselage stating that it was a navy aircraft. Its bulky white fuselage was in a stark difference to the other jets on the deck, and it's wings were tipped with fuel tanks.

Kay had a grin on her face as she put her hand against the cold metal of the nose. Darjeeling giggled softly as Kay pulled her hand away, complaining about the metal peeling her skin. In truth, Darjeeling was enjoying her time here, but something just felt, off.

There wasn't anything wrong with the boat, and there certainly wasn't anything wrong with Kay, yet Darjeeling felt uneasy, as if someone was staring at her. This uneasiness continued throughout the tour, as well as into the drive back to the hotel. Quickly shutting the blinds tightly, she sighed deeply, her uneasiness finally dissipating. She turned around, only to get a confused look from Kay.

"Is there something wrong?" Darjeeling asked nervously.

"I feel like I should be asking that question here. You've been distant all day. Did I do something?"

"No, no. You didn't do anything wrong." Darjeeling lied down on the couch sloppily. "I've just felt like someone's been stalking me."

Darjeeling curled up into a fetal position, trembling slightly. Kay knelt down, running her hand along Darjeeling's arm. "Want me to comfort you again?" Darjeeling nodded, a faint tear rolling down across her nose. Kay stood up, and managed to slide her way down the back of the couch. Darjeeling let herself slowly go back to her normal position, Kay's soft fingers calming her.

"Want to sleep here tonight?" Kay whispered.

Darjeeling nodded, letting her surprisingly tired eyes shut, enjoying the newfound serenity. Kay giggled softly as Darjeeling fell asleep, her body slowly pressing back and forth against her as she breathed.

"Goodnight, my sweet angel." Kay kissed the back of Darjeeling's neck softly. Closing her eyes, Kay wrapped her arm around Darjeeling, slowly finding herself slipping into the love and care of her dreams.

End of Chapter 7

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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