Like a Prayer

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"It's kinda cold out here..." Darjeeling shivered, holding her arms close to her chest. While her jacket somewhat helped in mitigating the freezing wind blasting her, her legs were getting frozen with each step.

Kay looked over at Darjeeling, giggling as the pair continued walking. "Would it be better if I held you?" Darjeeling quickly nodded, bunching herself up against Kay's thick orange jacket.

"Why are- we- out here...," Darjeeling panted out, trying to get as much warmth out of Kay as possible.

"I thought it would be nice to reminisce about things, but it's better if we just got back to the car." Kay held Darjeeling as the pair hobbled back over to Kay's car, starting it up the second they got inside. For a minute the car remained cold, before the heater kicked in enough to make a difference.

"You think if we kissed our lips would be frozen together?" Kay joked. Darjeeling just gave her a disappointed look in return.

"Can we just do something that doesn't involve standing in the cold wind?"

"We could get something warm to eat... Although I doubt you'd enjoy something I'm synonymous with."

"It's not like doing anything with you would be bad to begin with." Darjeeling smiled, watching Kay start driving the car forwards and back out towards the main road. The pair went under a large welcome sign as they left, Darjeeling spotting a pair of large stones off to the side with the track's logo on them.

"I'm not sure I can put into words how much I missed you..." Kay continued to look out the windshield. "Even with this short time together lately, I just feel like we need to make up time for something. To- I don't know..."

"It's alright. I understand what you're trying to say." Darjeeling put her hand on Kay's arm. "Although the part about making up for lost time doesn't matter right? We know that we have this time together, so stop worrying about it." Darjeeling leaned over, giving Kay a kiss on the cheek.

"You know it's distracting when you do that, right?" Kay teased.

"Maybe I should do it more then..." Kay let the boat of a car slowly roll around one of the many turns on their forested drive back to town.

"Is it always this pretty?" Darjeeling asked as she looked out the window, admiring the flowers of passing houses.

"Not all the time. Or at least the type of foliage on the Saunders carrier often got bad in the early months of the year. By this time it would look something like this."

"Is that also why the roads are so bad?"

"No..." Kay chuckled. "We just can't be bothered apparently to cough up the money for that kind of thing. So often students just got used to it."

"Sounds like a pretty poor excuse."

"I know. But now it doesn't matter does it. Now that we don't have to worry about high school anymore."

"Do you mind explaining what we're going to get?" Darjeeling asked as the car rolled through an intersection.

"Some old fashioned fried chicken. Something I used to eat by the bucketful." Kay paused for a second. "If only I could have tasted you that much...," Kay said dreamily.

Darjeeling responded with a playful slap against Kay's arm. "I think I get more out of you than you get out of me. All I'm really good for is something to hug. To me you're the perfect combination. I could lay in your soft, supple breasts or lay against those gentle thighs until I'm wrinkly with age." Kay giggled, enjoying this short time of Darjeeling going on about her.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add?"

"For some reason no matter what you wear... you manage to turn me on." Darjeeling looked away, rosy red with embarrassment while Kay broke out in laughter.

"Anything in particular that you enjoy seeing me in?" Kay asked curiously while wiping a tear from her eye.

"Swimsuits, bikinis, even that black camisole with lace panties that you'd wear around my dorm room. How much you tempted me shaking that beautiful rear of yours. I'm not sure how I kept myself together."

"If that's the case then maybe I should wear it again."

"I feel really embarrassed to admit the other things I imagined..."

"I mean if you've already said the other things I wouldn't mind knowing everything else." Kay had a sly smirk on her face as she pulled up into the parking lot.

"Well, there was a time early on that I imagined you in a Gloriana uniform. Another where you had on one of those bunnysuits that you always see in promotional advertisements. What else was there?" Darjeeling paused, lost in thought. "Oh, right. One had you with some larger breasts, and this real hot cow-print bikini. Your milk started leaking through, and it ended up tasting delicious." Kay laughed, enjoying Darjeeling's new found openness. "The last one I can think of was the two of use rubbing up against each other in some underwear. You wore this sports bra thong combo, and your skin was so soft and warm to the touch. I wanted the dream to keep going, but I ended up waking up with such a stained bed and wet panties that I had to throw the sheets away. The panties I might have used for some uhm, helpful material let's put it." Kay laughed once more, accidentally hitting her forehead on the steering wheel.

"I can't believe you admitted that..." Kay rubbed her head. "But now I know what you enjoy." Kay smiled smugly. "Who says I don't have some naughty ideas of my own." Kay reached over, drawing Darjeeling's head near. Kay leaned forward, passionately kissing Darjeeling. Each tried to get the upper hand, to push the other one over the center. Darjeeling put her hand down firmly, using its grip to push herself forward and against Kay, pushing the blonde back against the car window while Darjeeling clambered over into her lap. Darjeeling kept the pressure up, only letting Kay breath for a few seconds before pressing her lips deep once more. Darjeeling let off after seeing Kay signaling for air a second time, a few strands of saliva still stringed between their bottom lips.

"Maybe we need to do those things more often," Kay commented, still trying to catch her breath.

"No matter what, I know you can handle me whether you've realized or not. Although I'm started to feel bad about how much I enjoy to feel our skin together."

"It's fine. I understand what you feel like. Always wanting to feel that loving touch and hot breath from the one you love most. You tend to underestimate your own features however." Kay wrapped her hands behind Darjeeling, gently grasping the girl's rear. Kay pushed back against Darjeeling, encircling their tongues together as Darjeeling was pushed against the steering wheel. Darjeeling let out a muffled groan, enjoying Kay's hands kneading her rear.

Kay let off, allowing Darjeeling to let out a single sentence before the barrage of kisses continued. "We definitely need to do more of those things."

End of Chapter 4

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