Jump For My Love

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"You really do love the beach, don't you." Darjeeling said as she dug into her bag, looking for a bottle of sunscreen.

"Is there something wrong with that?" Kay asked as she walked up behind Darjeeling, putting her arms around the girl's waist and kissed her neck.

"No, it's just that you seem to not notice how little I enjoy it. I just don't like being out in sand for very long."

"'C'mon Darjeeling don't fret so much about it. If you really don't want to do anything you can sit down and read for a little while." Kay put her mouth next to Darjeeling's ear. "Just make sure not to make me go off the rails with how hot you are in a swimsuit," Kay whispered.

"That's a two way street, Kay. I guess it's just natural to find a lover being hot in swimwear."

"So maybe we could just have a little fun today instead if you don't want some sand...," Kay said seductively.

"Oh, that is tempting, but I'm not sure we could surpass what happened last time."

"Can't take the pleasure?"

"I can't keep up with you, mostly because I'm not a hornball with a heart of gold." Darjeeling stood up, kissing Kay up against the wall.

Kay returned the kiss with force, digging herself in deep as Darjeeling reached and held up Kay's leg. With the other hand Darjeeling managed to pin both of Kay's arms above her, leaving Kay in a disadvantageous position.

Suddenly, Darjeeling stopped. She let Kay back to the floor, before running over to the couch and burying herself in a pillow.

Kay slowly walked over, resting her hand on Darjeeling's back as she crouched down. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I've just become a mindless shell of myself," Darjeeling sobbed into the pillow.

"Don't tell yourself that. It's frankly not true at all."

"Then why does it feel like all I ever want to do with you is something erotic?"

"Because that's what you enjoy? You aren't becoming a mindless drone, your just enjoying being our age. If you asked any parent about this time in their life, I'm sure they'd say something along the lines of what we're doing. So please, calm down for me." Kay started to rub her hand up and down Darjeeling's back slowly.

"If you want me to let you get dressed on your own, I'll go sit out on the porch."

Darjeeling nodded, and closed her eyes, listening to the squeaky sound of the back door opening and closing. Bringing her head up, she saw Kay outside on the porch, looking out at the waves crashing against the beach.

Darjeeling hurried up the stairs, and into their bedroom. Digging through the suitcase, Darjeeling found the one article of clothing that was the newest. It was an orange top and blue bikini bottom, specifically bought for this trip. "Just what I wanted."


Darjeeling walked out into the warm, salty air, seeing that Kay was sitting sitting in her chair. Sneaking up behind her, Darjeeling peeked over Kay's head to find a book lying in her lap.

Kay had fallen asleep, slumped over to the right. Darjeeling slowly lifted the book from Kay's lap, looking at the cover. "How to deal with a too lovely girlfriend" was it large red font at the top, and an image of two female hands together at the bottom. Darjeeling giggled softly, finding it cute that Kay would go out of her way for this. Reaching over for the bookmark, she slotted it into Kay's page and set the book down. Brushing Kay's sleeping face slightly, Darjeeling leaned in and kissed her forehead. Sitting down in the chair next to Kay, Darjeeling set her hand on the sleeping girl's arm. Looking out at the water, she wondered what cute adventure Kay would bring her on next.

End of Chapter 6

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