High on You

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"Kay, are you sure it's smart to go to a museum in all this heat?" Darjeeling asked as she put on a baseball cap.

Kay set her arm around Darjeeling's shoulder, giving her a short kiss. "If you need to get in a colder area just tell me angel. I'm only taking you here to see that glorious smile of yours."

Darjeeling blushed slightly, before opening the door for Kay. Kay did a somewhat silly bow as she walked in, Darjeeling shutting the door behind them.

Picking up their tickets from the front desk area, they walked through a small gift shop before entering a canteen-like area. A small cutout of Elvis Presley was in the corner, and a large mock-up for a horse-drawn, hand-cranked machine gun from the Civil War was on display in the center. To the left wall was a small cutout where you could view a room full of tank models, and the stairs were to the right of that exhibit.

"Where do you want to go first?" Kay asked curiously, finding it cute as Darjeeling studied the machine gun in the center of the room.

Darjeeling walked back to Kay, pointing down at a section on the map pamphlet that came with the tickets. "Can we go there first?" Darjeeling pointed to a room that read, "Hall of Weaponry".

"If that's what you want." Kay leaned over, nuzzling her face up against Darjeeling's. Darjeeling responded by intertwining their fingers, leading her off in the direction she thought the exhibit was.

Kay happily kept up with her, quickly wandering around a hallway covered in war effort posters and political comics before ending up in a seemingly hot room. Darjeeling swung her head around, seemingly lost in the multiple displays of helmets that adorned the walls. Darjeeling turned to Kay, somewhat nervous and confused.

"Did I take a wrong turn?"

Kay chuckled, and brought the map back out from her rear pocket. This time taking Darjeeling's hand, Kay led the pair down a different hallway and into a new room. A Hotchkiss machine gun sat on a table in the center of the room. One wall had a German anti-tank gun, the one opposite from that had a long wall of submachine guns, battle rifles, and even a couple flamethrowers. The main wall however was actually a large open space you could look into, full of as many heavy and medium machine guns as possible. The right wall of the exhibit had multiple columns of M1919A4s.

Kay turned around, surprised by a recreated uniform that Erwin Rommel wore. It was a dusty white, showing metals of a German general. Darjeeling zoomed towards a binder in front of the machine gun exhibit, curious to cram her brain full of information.

Kay sneaked up on Darjeeling, turning the girl around with a push to the shoulder. Darjeeling started to blush as Kay leaned in, taking her glasses off and putting them on top of the binder. Before Darjeeling could wiggle out, she felt herself being pressed up against the plexiglass of the exhibit, Kay's lips and tongue digging in like a trench against Darjeeling's lips. Darjeeling gasped as Kay pulled away, excited by the brash encounter. Kay on the other hand pretended nothing had happened, put her glasses back on, and pulled her map out once more.

Quickly checking their position compared to the main part of the museum Kay turned around, putting her hand against the glass next to Darjeeling's head. "Outside or inside first?" Kay whispered.

"Inside..." Darjeeling broke eye contact, blushing. Kay brought her hand to Darjeeling's cheek, softly running over it with her thumb.

"Good girl." Kay reached up, kissing Darjeeling on the forehead. Darjeeling felt her knees slightly give way as Kay walked off, beckoning her to follow.

A few hallways later led them out into the large warehouse like area of the museum. An M18 Hellcat was displayed crawling over some rocks, and a French AT gun was on display next to it, situated inside a camouflaged bunker.

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