• "I'd be a good dad"

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"Oh so you're not coming this week too?" I asked my ex boyfriend over the phone.
"I'm sorry I got a lot of work" he replied carelessly.
"You haven't seen our daughter in months. I assume she forgot how you even look" I said.
"Y/n.. I wanna live a little too,okay? I'm only 22 I never asked to have a kid when I was a kid myself" He yelled.
"I should've never called you. Because like you said you are still a kid. You could be anything in this world but a father. You know what? I don't want you in our life anymore." I yelled back and hang up the phone.

I was shaking. I always found myself alone. He never helped me. First I got to handle all the looks that people gave me when I was a pregnant teen and now I got to manage raising a child all by myself. I left school. And all my friends left me. I always felt alone. I always had to do everything by myself.

I have had several jobs in the past few years just to afford money for me and my daughter. It's true my mother has been very supportive but I had to take the responsibility.

"Mommy?!" I heard my 5 year old daughter, calling for me. She's the only reason that let me go through it all and made me believe it's worth it.

"Yes sweetheart?" I replied.

"Are you crying?" She said placing her small hand on my face. "No no I wasn't crying. Just something got in my eye" I chuckled. "You always say that" she pouted. "Come here" I said holding my arms out for her.

"I love you so much" I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too mommy. You're the best mom in the world" she said smiling making me hug her even tighter.

"Mom?" She asked out of nowhere. "Yes baby?" I said.

"When is daddy coming?" She said making me sigh.

"He promised to be here" she added. "He will be here soon" I replied. "When?" She asked once again. "Daddy have some work to do when he'll finish he'll come back" I faked a smile to her.
"What about harry?" She said. "I don't know.." I chuckled.

Harry was a regular customer at the coffeshop that I work at. One day I brought her with me because my mom couldn't babysit. And since that day she loved coming in hope that she'll find harry and he loved to spend time with her too.

"Maybe he's busy I don't want to bother him" I said to her. "Pleeease" she begged. "Fine I'll call him" I gave up.

It took a couple of rings when he finally picked up. "Hey y/n" he greeted me. "Hey I'm sorry for bothering you but it seems that someone was eager to call you" I chuckled while looking at her begging me to call him.
"Hii uncle harry I missed youu" she said as soon as I handed her the phone. "I missed you too" he replied giggling. "Can you come please? I really want to show you how I play the piano like you taught me the other day. I'm always practising" She said proudly and I chuckled. "That's amazing !but I really can't come right now I'm at the studio. You can tell y/n to bring you instead if you want" he told her.
"Okay love you..byee" she hang up.
"Oh no what is it?" I frowned as she pulled up the puppy eyes trick.
"He said you could come to the studio" she said smiling and i sighed.
"C'mon let's gooo" she said pulling me from my hand.
It took a while when we finally found ourselves in his studio.
"Look who made it" harry greeted us making my daughter run right into his arms. "Hello there little one" he said picking her up.
"So this where all the magic gets created, huh" I said getting a chuckle as a response
"Well today you got a front row ticket because i just recorded few songs and I could use some of your honest opinions" he said to me and my daughter and we just nodded following him.

"So? What do you think?" He asked when the song ended
"Are you kidding me?I love this..i absolutely love it" i said.
"I loved it too" my daughter said. "You did?" He smiled down at her.

Time passed by and it was really fun. My little girl showed him her piano skills. And he let her sing with him. I could tell she's having the time of her life. I kinda wish she was lucky enough to have these moments with her dad.

"You alright?" Harry said snapping me out of my thoughts
"Huh? Oh yeah i guess i zoned out for moment" I smiled."So the little princess finally set you free?" I asked. "She's with mitch. Seems like she's getting on well with him I'm kinda jealous" he replied making me chuckle.

"Thank you for everything you're doing for my daughter. You really make her happy" I confessed. "She does make me happy too" he said

"Can I ask you something?" He said after a moment of silence.

"Sure" I replied looking at him.
"I know it's none of my business but what happened to her dad" he cleared his throat and suddenly my smile faded away.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." he immediately apologised.

"He lives far away from here" I replied.

"Oh okay..it's just" he stuttered. "what?" I asked confused.
Harry's POV:
"Harry... so how to write a song?" She asked. "Do you wanna write a song?" I smiled. "Yesss" she jumped. "Okay...let's write a song for your mum or even your dad if you want" I suggested.
"Let's just do for my mom because my dad hates me" She said looking down. "Hey don't say that.. of course he loves you" I said kneeling down. "He doesn't. He doesn't want to see me and when he does he's always mad. I don't like him either because he makes my mom cry and he never plays with me." she said looking at me with her teary eyes. "Hey..he may not show it but he does love you okay? How could he not? You're the most adorable little girl I've ever met" i said wiping her tears away.
"Harry?" she asked. "Yes, love?" I smiled. "Can you be my dad?"
(End of the flashback)

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" i said.
"She doesn't really have a good relationship with her dad" I said with tears in my eyes after hearing what my little girl said.
"Hey don't cry" harry said.

"It's just.. I've always tried to make her feel loved and always be there for her. I just realized it will never be enough" I said palming my face.

"Y/n listen..listen you're the strongest woman I've ever met. You raised such a lovely kid on your own. She doesn't need a dad when you're with her. She already got the whole world on her side" harry said pulling my hands out from my face.
"She's gonna be alright" he smiled
"Thank you..really" i said.
"I'm always here for both of you,okay?" He said and i nodded
"Plus i don't think I'll make such a bad dad for her" he said with a smirk. "What.." i frowned.
"Oh.." i chuckled when it hit me.

Sorry that was a bit long. Anyways feel free to send me your requests and please don't forget to leave a feedback ❤

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