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We do observe the festival of light at Deepavali,

We do exchange greetings saying Happy Diwali.

It's a romantic word, it's a sweet saying,

It's a wonderful blessing of the supreme being.

The flood of light brings immense happiness,

We can have a feeling of romanticism by its kindness.

Light removes all the darkness of our mind,

We want to forget bitterness of any kind.

No cloud is in the sky, only have fresh air,

The whole atmosphere looks bright like silver.

The good looking housewife of my neighbour,

Last year she tied a nuptial knot with a soldier.

Now he is posted on the border line,

Down the ups and down valley in rain or shine.

He sends a message on the eve of deepavali,

He comes home with three days leave officially.

The housewife overwhelmed on getting the news,

She makes herself ready to embrace her spouse.

What she wears, what she cooks that thrills to her,

On the day of the celebration she gets a call from border.

One of his colleague's voice choked with emotion,

Her husband sacrificed his life to prevent a foreign intrusion.

It's a bolt from the blue for the dreaming wife,

She at once swoons on the floor like a torn Kite.

The delight of happy diwali sinks into darkness,

The sweetness of amusement suddenly turns into bitterness.

Nobody knows what will happen today or tomorrow,

If it will be tide of happiness or mountain of sorrow.

Sitting Under a Torn UmbrellaWhere stories live. Discover now