Human Obligation

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Why do we lose faith upon man?

Why do we take shelter of sham?

Man is the best friend of man,

But we do not think so as we can.

Very often we do suffer from suspicious mind,

We have strange character of different kinds.

We are not supportive, we do trust none,

We poke into another's affair and make fun.

We are negetive in action and conversation,

We are positive in the area of self satisfaction.

Belief, trust and confidence,

Vanished into air for want of credence.

A housewife or her spouse, a father or his son,

Do have a little confidence for the cause of suspicion.

If a man doesn't believe a man,

Does he believe a beast or satan?

Disbelief spreads everywhere like a virus,

Everybody forgets to take it serious.

Good relations break down by its cruel impact,

Bad connection raises its ugly head for that.

One day belief asks disbelief not to speed up his step,

Disbelief audaciously declares to build a totalitarian state.

Hopeless belief does find no solution,

It's an extreme violation of human obligation.

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