Being a Team

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Nadine's POV

The next day I receive a call from Christopher asking when is my next doctor's appointment. I told him its on saturday morning and Im going to have an ultrasound.

Saturday arrived very quickly. Christopher and I is in the clinic of Dr. Greene to have my ultrasound to check the baby's heart rate and amionic fluid.

"Nadine are you ready to see your baby for the first time?" Dr. Greene asked woth enthusiasm.

To my surprise Christopher answered the doctor that he is very excited to see our child. He is smiling from ear to ear.

"Ok Nadine kindly lie down and remove your underwear."

Dr. Greene might have seen the confusion written on my face when she asked me to remove my underwear, so she smiled and said that the baby is still too small to be seen using the normal method of ultrasound.

"We will perform a transvaginal ultrasound so that we can clearly see the baby inside. Dont worry when you reach 4 to 6 months we can use the normal method and we can also determine the sex of the baby by that time."

After putting the device inside me Dr. Greene is starting to move the device to locate my baby.

"Can you see this on the screen? This is your baby. As I can see here the baby's heartbeat is stable as well as the amionic fluid. I will have this printed out and hand you both a copy later on after the checkup."

Dr. Greene gave us some guidelines on what food to eat during pregnancy. She also precribed some vitamins that will help for the baby's development. She also informed me to drink milk that is rich in folate. Crap! I hate drinking milk. But base on what I can see in Christopher I think I dont have any choice but to drink it. He is taking down notes on everything Dr. Greene had said.

"Alright our next session will be next month. Christopher make sure that she takes the vitamins everyday as well as the milk. Okey? See you both next month. And by the way the both of you makes a great team. You will be a very good parents." Dr. Greene said before saying goodbye.

After my checkup I cant help but notice that Christopher is still grinning like an idiot.

"Hey. That smile has been plastered to your face since my doctor's appointment. Are you that excited for our kid?"

"Well yeah. Although I cant still believe that Im going to be a dad six months from now, but when I saw our little one in the monitor. I felt very much attach to it. Im going to create an album of our baby so Im going to keep this ultrasound picture."

"Not fair. Im going to keep this.!"

"Lets just cut it. There are two copies anyway. Now lets go buy your vitamins and milk"


hi there my dear readers. Im so sorry that it took too long for me to update for you. To tell you the truth I have been struggling this past week because I dont know what to write. I even ask a friend of mine to read this story for me an give me an insite on what I can write next. In the end I just decided to write the phases of pregnancy that Nadine will experience + + + *hehehe.* thank you so much for supporting this story. I love you guys so much. Every comment. Vote and reads are very much appreciated by me. THANK YOU. Ill try to update more soon.

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