How I met Him

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Sitting at the toilet bowl while staring at the pregnancy test kit I can clearly see two lines confirming my suspicion. "Im really pregnant" I said absentmindedly.

Three Months Earlier

"Nadine I really appreciate your competence and dedication in your job and because of that Im going to give a vacation." said Douglas my boss. Douglas O'Connor is the CEO and owner of one of the biggest publishing company in New York City.

"Old man thanks but no thanks. You know quite well that I cant afford a vacation" I said since Im saving to buy a car.

"Ok. Ok. I think you didnt get what I mean. I said Im going to give you a vacation all expense paid trip. You can also bring your friend along." Said Douglas

"Really? Wow thanks a lot.!" I have weakness for things that are for free.

"You wont even ask me where Ill be sending you for vacation?"said Douglas while laughing because of my reaction.

"Alright. Where are you going to send me to? Its better be a great place or else I wont leave you alone here in the office. Haha.!" I said half joking.

"Las Vegas since you told me you havent been there. I know you are one hell of a party animal even though you are very professional here at work" said Douglas

Yeah I am a party animal. I may look like a perfect secretary with my pencil skirt with matching vest and black stilletos but when its the last day of work I cant miss going to the club and dance my ass all night.

"Hehe. You really know me so much Oldman! Well thank you so much! Im sure Michaela will be very excited once I tell her that we are going on a vacation" I said while sweeping up the files on the desk.

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