The Decision

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Nadines POV

Standing at the O'Connor's living room with both Douglas and her wife Lucy looking at me and Christopher with a questioning look my forehead is starting to sweat.

Im getting nervous. Im starting to doubt my decision on agreeing to Christopher to tell his parents about the baby. After ten heavy breaths I manage to calm myself down.

Okay here goes nothing.

"Christoper, Nadine, What is it that you want to tell us?" asked Lucy

"Mom, Dad, You're going to be a grandparents soon. Nadine is three months pregnant with our baby"

"What? How? When? You just met today. How can that happen" Douglas asked with a surprise and confusion written all over his face.

"Its a long story actually dad. But what I can tell you is we certainly met long time ago."

Looking at Douglas and Lucy's reaction im starting to get nervous again. Im starting to think negatively. What if Douglas fires me because of it. How can I raise my child. What if

they dont believe that the baby is Christopher's? What if they dont like the news. What if they dont want the baby? It seems that Christopher can read my mind, he started to grab my

hand and draw circles on it to calm me down. Those little circles sends a calming sensation to my skin, my breathing came back to normal. I looked at Christopher and muttered a word of thanks. He smiled at me and started to explain the situation to his parents again.

"Dad, Mom, it happens three months ago. I was in Vegas. I met Nadine there and something happened between us."

"So what do you plan on doing Christopher?"

"I asked Nadine for marriage dad but she refused it. She said she dont want a marriage with no love to it. She said we can still take care of the baby even outside of marriage"

"HAHAHA.!! That's my girl for you! Nadine, you never fails to amaze me my dear. Honestly whatever your decision will be I will be okay with it. Since Lucy really wants you to be our daughter. But since you already came to this kind of decision I will support both of you with that."

"What? I--i thought you will be mad at me. I mean I disappoint you. Im sorry. Im actually planning on telling you Douglas that Im pregnant. I dont really know who the father is, since Christopher didnt left any contact number. Im sorry"

"No need to be sorry dear. We have known you very well. Do you think you will stay long in the company, let alone as my husbands secretary if we dont know how nice you are? You dont know how happy you made us. But I will be happier if you accepted the marriage proposal that Christopher is offering. I really want you to be my daughter you know?"

"Uhm,. Lucy you know that I love you as a mother. But I dont want to get married to someone that I dont love. I want the kind of marriage like you and Douglas have."

"Okay Dear I respect your decision"

"That went well" said Christopher smiling.

Christopher drove me back to my apartment. Before going home he manage to tell me that he wants to be there all the step of the way for the baby. He told me that he will accompany me in my next visit to my obgyne. Honestly I felt happy with the gesture, because I really am sad whenever I come to my doctor's appointment because I can see those pregnant women being accompanied by their husbands. After settling some things about our arrangements he drove home. I have gone straight to bed feeling overly exhausted.


A very short update for you pipz. I manage to write a short part. Thanks for commenting and voting. It gave me a reason to push myself to update despite of my busy schedule. If you dont know I work at night and I sleep in the morning. I only manage to brainstorm tonight despite of me beung at work since I finish my job early. Hope you like this part. I love you all. God bless you.. ♡

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