What happens in Vegas?

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Nadine's POV

I got home earlier than expected. I cooked dinner and Im very excited to share the news with Michaela.

Michaela is my bestfriend. She is like a family to me. I met her in high school and since them we are inseparable.

At around 8 o'clock Michaela is home from work. She is working at an IT company as a network administrator.

"Hey Nadine Im home.!"

"Im in the kitchen Micz!" I yelled while preparing the table for us.

"Wow! You cooked dinner? Whats the occasion?" she said suspiciously.

Well yeah I never cook dinner not unless something good happened.

"Well you see Douglas gave me a vacation." I said while checking her reaction.

"What? My workaholic friend is going on a vacation? Do you have a fever or something?"

"Well its actually an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas." I said beaming at her.

"Wow! I always want to go there.!"

"Well my friend you are in great luck because Douglas said that I can take you with me." I said smiling at her

"OMG! really?" she said while smiling from ear to ear. You cant help but see her dimples appearing on both of her cheeks.

"Yup so pack your bags and we are going tomorrow."

Las Vegas

"Ms. Nadine Winters your room will be in 305. Ms. Michaela Jacobs your room will be in 313."

We got to our room. I was very surprise to see a very luxurious room. Well Douglas is the one who booked the hotel maybe I shouldnt be that surprise. My room has a white and gold interior and has a great view of Last Vegas. After admiring my room I started unpacking my things. When I finished unpacking I decided to soak myself in a hot tub.

Few minutes after I rinse and got dressed. Im planning on checking one of the clubs tonight. I decided to go to Michaela's room to ask her if she want to come with me.

"Michaela Im going to the club do want to come with me?"

"Nadine I think I'll pass. I still need to finish unpacking and Im really tired. You go I'll take some rest but tomorrow I'll definitely join you". she said while organizing her clothes.

"Ok. Take some rest."

I got out of the hotel and hailed a cab. I go to the club named "ETHERNAL" I read a good review about this club. As I enter I decided to go for a drinks before I hit the dance floor.

"Bartender can I have a dry Martini please?"

"Here you go beautiful lady. You dont have to pay for it because the guy in table 12 already paid it for you". the bartender said after winking at me. I smiled because of his gesture.

When I finish drinking my martini a guy came up to me.

"Wow he's so handsome." I said to myself.

The guys has a striking green eyes and brown hair. He looks like an Armani model. I cant help but be mesmerized.

"Can I have a dance? he asked while smiling at me.

"Sure. By the way Im Nadine how about you?" I said offering a handshake.

"Im christopher. Nice to meet a beautiful girl like you" he said then instead of shaking my hand he kissed it. I cant help but blush at his gesture.

We dance and had some more drinks. When the things got heated up between the both of us, he asked me if I want to go out of the club. I agreed, we go to my hotel room.

We started kissing each other. Before I know it something happened between us. He is quite surprised to find out that I am a virgin. We made love all night until we fell asleep. But when I opened my eyes the next morning. Christopher is gone.

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