Moment of Truth

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Nadines POV

Standing in front of my childs father. What will I do? Will I just pretend that I dont know him? Or will I just drop the bomb and tell him that Im pregnant and his the father? With that in mind I decided to just play it cool I think I need to know him first and think if he deserves to know about the growing life inside me.

"Hi Mr. O'connor Im Nadine Winters nice to meet you. Im looking forward on working with you."

"UHM. yeah nice to meet you too. Dads telling me good things about you hope that I learn many things about the company from you." he said with a bit of shock and confussion on his face but also decided to play my game.

"By the way Nadine you told me earlier that there is something important that you want to tell me?"

"Oh. Thats nothing Douglas forget it. Its not that important."

"Oh. Okay. By the way why wont you join us for lunch? I will also give Christopher some briefing about the company."

"Sure Douglas."

We have lunch at Anton's. I love this restaurant because of its cozy and private ambiance. The food is heaven they have a wide selection of italian foods. I settle myself with their pasta verde.

While eating Douglas is opening up some topics that will make Christopher and I to be more at ease with each other. The gesture made me smile, if he just know that we met long ago and conceive a baby together he will definately flip.

When lunch is over Douglas told me to take the rest of the day off. He is aware of what happened to me yesterday when I blacked out in the middle of the office. He thought that it is due of stress thats why he wants me to resy for the day and since it is friday I will have a long weekend to relax. I will also plan on going to an obgyne so that I can get assured that the baby is healthy and will also buy some vitamins.

Christopher offered to take me home. I accepted since I dont have a ride. After arriving at my apartment I thought he will already leave.

"Nadine you do recognize me do you?"

"Huh? Yup you are Douglas son. Haha. What kind of question is that. Haha." my laugh sounded off.

"I know a lie when I hear one. You just made me more suspicious. Why did you deny to my dad that we know each other?"

His question made me snap and everything slipped off my tough.

"What do you want me to tell Douglas? Do you want mecto tell him. Hey Douglas I knew your son. I we screw each other back in Vegas and ending me pregnant."

It took me a minute before I realized that I just drop the bomb in front of Christopher. I rush inside my apartment and attempt to lock it but failed Christopher is much faster.

"Lets talk." Christopher said in a very serious voice.

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