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You know that feeling when you're on a super tall rollercoaster, and you're slowly rolling up to the top? You always anticipate the drop. No matter what kind of ride you're on, there's always a drop. Once you reach the very top, the ride stops for a few seconds. The view of the world around you looks magnificent from all the way up there. You take it in and enjoy it.

Then you drop.

That's exactly how I felt when I finished reading the letter. Only instead of a roller coaster dropping several feet, it was me falling onto the ground. It was like sky diving from a plane with no parachute. Nothing there to catch your fall. Just falling through the sky, hitting the trees, and hurdling into the dirt.

It couldn't be true. It can't be! Erica never dies. It doesn't matter what situation she's in! She always survives. Like Jason Vorhees. They're both immortal.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" Mason asked, worriedly.

I couldn't talk. Couldn't breathe. I can't let Mason see me like this.

I stood up and ran past her. Out of the door, out of the hallways, out of the school. The shouts I heard were muffled. I had nowhere to go, but I didn't care. Nothing was about to stop me from running. Like Jenny once said, Run Forrest Run!


Oh, where did she go? I hope she's alright. Those dreaded Rogues! Once I thought we'd seen the last of them, they appear right before our very eyes. Ah, there's no time to lose. I must find Aurora. If they get to her before I do, then our family is truly doomed.


"I can't find her anywhere," Mason said.

"Did you check the bathroom?" Ethan asked. Mason nodded.

"What about the commons?" Kelsea asked. Mason nodded again.

"Have you looked in the garbage bin?" Aiden asked.

"Why on earth would she be in a garbage bin?" Mason asked.

"Just saying. We lost my grandfather once while shopping. The cops found him in the dumpster looking for his lucky hat. Even though his lucky hat was actually on his head."

"Wow, that is both funny and sad at the same time," Ethan commented.

"Guys! Focus!" Mason snapped.

"Oh! Let's try the treehouse! She could be there," Aiden said.

"Good idea," Mason said, "Although I'm afraid we can't all go together. The guards outside will spot us."

Kelsea scoffed, "Like that'll ever happen. They couldn't stay awake if their lives depended on it. But you're right. Maybe one of us should stay here in case she comes back."

"I'll stay," Ethan said. "I'll keep an eye on the cams. Maybe I could spot her using those if she comes back."

"Man, you always stay back whenever something goes wrong. Seriously, do you ever try to go out into the field and do the dangerous stuff?" Aiden asked, rolling his eyes.


"Whatever dude."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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