The Drive Back

759 17 30

Time unknown
Date Unknown

Rain was hitting window when I woke up. I looked at the dark, cloudy sky. Not a single star was in sight. That's what I like to do sometimes whenever I feel lonely or sad. I'll look up at the night sky, and search for constellations in the night.

I sat up a little in my seat. Ben was at the wheel beside me. After we escaped the hospital, we hijacked a car from the hospital parking lot. I protested at first. After all, we aren't supposed to be stealing cars and climbing out of buildings anyways. But Ben told me that if you're in a life or death situation, you have to take extreme measures to survive. Even if it means breaking the law. So I gave in.

I fell asleep at some point. I was so tired from today's events. I thought about the attackers and what we're going to do about them. I thought about my parents and grandpa. I wanted to go back and get them, but Ben said that we couldn't. We had to go.

I thought about what Erica said to me. She said she would always be there for me. But she's not here right now. So what does she mean by that? And where the heck is she? I hope she's alright. If anything happened to her, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I thought about Mason. I wonder if she's alright. She looked shocked and scared the last time I saw her. I hope she's alright too. I wonder what she's doing right now. Is she thinking of me? I hope not. I don't want her to worry about me.

"Look who decided to wake up," Ben said jokingly. He smiled and ruffled my hair. I smiled back. Ben is always cheerful. But I wonder if he's a little worried about Erica. She is his girlfriend after all.

"What so you think Erica is doing right now?" I asked him.

He shrugged, his smile fading a little, "I don't know," he sighed, "And that's the part that sucks. I mean sure, Erica didn't always tell me what she would do everyday, but I would at least know that she was there. I would know that she was there for me," his voice cracked a little. His eyes started glazing. My eyes were starting to water too.

"I get what you mean," I told him, "I've always felt safe with Erica too,"

Tears were rolling down both of our faces. Ben wiped his aways however, "But we still have to stay strong. We can still find her. I know we will," he said. I looked at him.

"When you and Erica were kids, what was she to you?" I asked him. He smiled, eyes still glazing.

"She was amazing. I could never stop staring at her. She was a very special person, but she was also very distant," he said. That's a shocker.

"S-She was?" I asked. "Why?"

Ben sighed, "I guess it's time you knew," he started, "Before I came to Spy School, Erica had a crush on this handsome boy. His name was Joshua Hallal. She and Joshua started off as friends. Then, as the years passed by, they got closer together. Until one night, where everything changed. Joshua left to join the dark side. He asked Erica to come with him. But when Erica refused, he didn't take it very well, and it broke her heart. So from that day on, she didn't allow herself to get closer to anyone. Until I got there,"

I nodded understandingly. I never knew this about Erica. The only thing she ever talked about her past was her friends and all the missions they went on. I never knew there was a dark secret she always kept from however. I'm gonna have to ask her about that when we find her.

"She was always saving me on every mission. I could never go on any mission without her. If she had my back, I had hers. We were like partners then. We couldn't function without each other. I needed her, and she needed me. Although she didn't always admit that," he said laughing a little.

"Without her, I was nothing. I felt like nothing every time I let her down. I always wanted to help her whenever she felt weak. I would always tell her that expressing your feelings to other people can be good. That's how I got her to open up a little,"

I smiled. That must've took a lot of courage for him to do.

"We grew closer, and eventually we started dating each other. I remember on our first date after dinner, Erica had to fix my car because it broke down right in the middle of the road. She always came prepared. She brought a small toolkit and fixed it. I made it up to her by buying her favorite movie. We watched it at my place afterwards," he said.

I smirked, "What did you two do after that?"

He smirked back, "The rest is history little one," Then he winked.

I smiled and nodded.


A few hours later, we rolled up to this huge iron gate. Ben pressed a button, and someone buzzed us in.

It took me a second to realize that we were back at Spy School. We got out of the car and walked inside. Rain was hitting us from every direction.

When we got inside, Ben walked me to my dorm. There was already new clothes on the bed waiting for me to slip them on.

"I'll tell the principle that you're here. Due to the events that's happened the last couple days, you'll probably be excused from class for the next couple days. So don't worry about classes or anything. Just promise me you'll get some rest, okay little Hale?" he asked.

I nodded, "Okay,"


I couldn't sleep that night. I was too focused on a lot of things other than sleep, but it was no use. I couldn't fall asleep.

So I stared out the window instead. The moon shined on my face. I tried listening to the sound of the rain. Maybe that will help.

Yup, it did. Cause a few minutes later, I was in dreamland. Where everything was just how I wanted it to be.

I know it's been like two entire months since I last updated and I apologize for that. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Stay healthy and wash your hands often.

Take care everyone,

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