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August 20
Spy School

" Are you guys going to stay with me a little longer?" I asked. I hope they say yes.

" Mike and I most certainly will!" Zoe exclaimed. She and Mike were a couple too. A very funny couple. They always had jokes to tell me. I'm happy that they're staying.

Erica was about to say something, but a crackling sound from her belt made her stop. She took out a radio from her belt. The crackling sound started to clear up.

" Agent Hale come in over." Someone said from the other end of the radio.

" Agent Hale reporting. What's the situation over?" Erica asked.

" Something came up at the base. We need you back here ASAP over." The person said.

" I'm on my way. Over." She said. She looked at us apologetically.

" I'm really sorry guys, but duty calls. I have to go." She said. She was already on her way out the door. She hugged me first and made sure to tickle my sides, making me laugh.

" Have fun. Be careful when you choose your friends. Love you." She said.

" Love you too sis." I said. Erica hugged mom and dad, said bye to Zoe and Mike, and gave Ben a kiss on the cheek.

" See you later babe." Erica said. Then she went out of the room. Mike shook his head and laughed.

" Didn't even have time to say goodbye." He said to Ben. Ben sighed.

" It's fine. Trust me, she can go on days without even saying bye. She's been very busy lately." Ben said. Mom sighed.

" When are you going to ask her?" She asked Ben. Ben looked to her confused.

" Ask her what?" He asked. I laughed.

" To marry you of course. You two are perfect for each other." I said. Ben smiled.

" What do you know about love?" He asked.

" A lot more than you apparently." I said. Ben chuckled.

" We'll see." He said.

We stayed in my room for a few more hours. I kept searching for any hidden weapons even though Erica said there weren't any. You could never trust Erica when it comes to weapons. She told me that when she was on a mission in Berlin, she took a gun, a dagger, and a couple parts of a car even though she wasn't allowed to. Although mom told me that she told Erica that she could have the gun.

She used the gun and the car parts to build a glove to launch the dagger. She never told me what she used it for though. She must have kicked someone's butt with it.

She also accidentally blew up the van that they were using. I thought that part was hilarious! They had to ask a police officer if they could use one of their vans. The interrogator was very mad at Erica.

We heard the bell ring again.

" It's the end of class. Dinner is in ten minutes." Ben said.

"Will you guys eat with me again?" I asked.

" Of course we will, but we're gonna have to leave after that." Dad said. I looked to the ground.

" Oh. Okay." I said glumly. I wasn't ready for them to leave yet. What will I do after they leave. I don't even have my class schedule. What if I get lost?

Mom placed a hand on my shoulder. " It's going to be ok, Aurora. You'll be fine." She said reassuringly. I nodded.

We went out of my room, and headed to the cafeteria. Many of the other students followed us. Actually, they kind of stalked us. They tried to listen in on every conversation we were having. They pretended like they weren't doing anything when I looked back at them.

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