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Date and Time Unknown
Location Unknown

I woke up in a different room than before. It wasn't a bright room like the hospital one. This room was dark and warm. The bed was more comfortable too. But the weird thing about it was, it felt familiar.

I sat up. My head was still hurting a little. I looked around in confusion. Where am I? 

There was a light shining through the cracks in the door. I got out of the bed and opened it.

I now know why everything felt so familiar. I was home! The room that I was just in is my bedroom.

I went downstairs. The house was eerily quiet. I couldn't hear anything but my footsteps. The only light that was on were the hallway lights. The living room was dark.

The kitchen was dark too. Old pots and pans were in the sink waiting to be washed. It was very cold too.

As much as I loved to be home, there was still one thing wrong about it.

"Mom? Dad?" I yelled out. No answer.

I went back upstairs to their room. I opened the door slowly.

"Mom? Dad?" I said again.

I was greeted by a very odd sight. My parent's room was usually organized. But not this time.

Everything was destroyed! There were cabinets and pieces of wood lying scattered on the floor. The bed was surprisingly split in two and the curtains were ripped.

I walked around the room carefully. There were sharp objects everywhere and I didn't want to step on any of them.

I went into their closet. Well what's left of it anyway. Clothes were everywhere. The mirror was cracked. My reflection looked like I've been split into many parts.

I went back out. There was still one room I haven't checked yet. The bathroom.

I went to the end of the hallway where the bathroom was. It was dark too. A little too dark. I turned on the lights.

There are many things that I'm afraid of. One of them is watching a horror movie. I don't like scary movies. I get paranoid every time I watch one, and that causes me to stay up all night.

I gasped when the lights turned on. The bathroom was destroyed too, but that's not what scared me.

There was blood everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, even the ceiling! It looked exactly like a scene from a horror movie!

There were also two corpses on the ground. I recognized both of them.

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled. I kneeled beside them. Their eyes were closed and they were both bleeding. It was the most horrific sight I've ever seen! I couldn't tell if they were dead or if they were knocked out.

" No no! Please wake up!" I cried as I shook them. They didn't move at all. I didn't know how to check for a pulse, so I kept shaking them.

" Come on! You can't be dead!" I cried. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. How could this have happened?

I heard a faint noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like footsteps. I started panicking and hid in the bathtub. Making a ton of noise as I moved. The footsteps were getting closer. I could hear the creaking of stairs.

I grabbed a shampoo bottle that was near me. I know what you're thinking. Of all the supplies you could find in a bathroom, why would you use a shampoo bottle as a weapon? Well my friends, the shampoo bottle was the only thing near me. And I'm too afraid to get out of the bathtub.

The footsteps was very close now. I could hear them coming my way. I tried to stay as quiet as I could. But that's pretty hard to do when you're panicking.

The bathroom door opened. I expected an evil laugh or a shout or something. Instead, I heard a surprised gasp.

"No." The person said. I gasped too. I know this person!

"Grandpa!" I yelled. Grandpa turned to me. He didn't look so well. He was covered in blood too. Sweat was pouring from his head.

"Aurora! Thank goodness you're alright!" He yelled. He picked me up from the bathtub and held me close.

" Grandpa what happened?" I asked him. Grandpa shook his head.

" I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get your parents to the hospital," he said. He picked both of my parents up and strung them over his shoulders. He was surprisingly strong for a man his age.

" Come on. Let's go," He said. We went downstairs and to the kitchen. Grandpa began grabbing tools and tape. He also grabbed a lighter from one of the bottom drawers.

" What are those for?" I asked.

" Traps," he replied. "They'll be here any minute now. The least we could do is buy ourselves time,"

"Who will be here?" I asked. Grandpa shook his head and sighed.

"I'll tell you everything later, but right now we need to get out of here," Grandpa set up the traps near the doors and windows. He carried mom and dad, and opened the back door.

"Come on. There's no time to lose," He said. I followed him into the dark, cold night. We walked for several minutes and came to a small, black car. He opened it.

The inside of the car was pretty weird. There were two rows of seats facing each other. Grandpa laid mom and dad on the seats. He pointed to the front seat.

"Get in," He ordered. I nodded and sat in the front seat. I never got to sit in the front.

Grandpa got in the driver's seat and took off. I strapped on my seat belt.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Grandpa didn't reply. He was too focused on the road. Something was definitely wrong. I could see that, but why won't he tell me now?

"What's wro-" I began to ask, but grandpa cut me off.

" Somethings are just too complicated for you to understand, Aurora. That's why I'm not telling you now. So please stay quiet sweetheart," Grandpa said. I nodded silently.

It started raining sometime. The window created blurry images that looked funny.

Then I realized something. If mom and dad were at the house, and grandpa was here too, then where is...

"Where's Erica?" I asked completely forgetting to stay quiet. Grandpa stayed silent for a minute. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. I expected the worse.

"That's the thing, Aurora. We don't know," Grandpa said in a shaky voice.

So so sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner! Omg it's been like an entire month since I last updated! Not even that, two months probably. I've been telling myself to update my stories, but I never find the time with school and all.

Anyway, thanks for being so super patient! You guys are truly the best!


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