Real, Fake, or Prank?

845 17 42

August 21
Spy School

I looked around the room in complete shock. There were bombs on all of the tables. Not my fake wooden bombs that I play with at home. These were actual time-ticking bombs that could most possibly blow up.

Mason noticed my shocked expression. " What's wrong?" She asked.

" They're bombs." I said.

" Well yeah. It's called bomb defusal for a reason. We're defusing bombs." She said.

" No. They're real bombs. The ones that actually blow up." I said.

" Yeah. That's what a bomb is. Don't worry, they changed the bomb rules this year. First and second years get to use the fake bombs. If one of these things go off, the most it'll do is produce a lot of smoke. The older years get to use the real bombs." Mason said. She seemed a little disappointed that we wouldn't be able to use the real bombs.

We sat down next to each other. Everyone glanced at us as they walked by. I mean everyone glanced at me as they walked by.

I looked at the bomb on my table. It looked like a giant metal box. It had four bolts. One for each corner. Beside the bomb was a bolt remover. Dad has one of these.

A girl sat beside me. She had blonde hair and green eyes. Her voice was very high pitched too. Kind of like Zoe's. She looked a little older than me and Mason. She also spoke really fast.

" Oh my gosh! You're the Aurora Hale. Sweet! I'm Kaylie. Nice to meet you!" She yelled. She held out her hand for me to shake it.

" Um, hi." I said as I shook her hand. She shook it vigorously. I was afraid she was going to yank my arm off.

" Have you ever defused a bomb before?" Kaylie asked. Excitement was showing in her eyes. The other students gathered around me to hear my answer. They started pestering me with their own questions too.

" Can you fight three enemy agents at the same time?" " Is it true that you can hit a target blindfolded?" " How many missions have you been on?"

I sighed. Everyone thinks that I'm some super spy even though I'm only ten with no experience at all. But I guess I'm just gonna have to live with it.

" No. I have never defused a bomb, or shot a gun, or gone on any missions. I don't know how to do any of those things. And if I did go on a mission, I wouldn't tell you about it because it would be classified." I said.

Everyone was disappointed at my response. They all went back to their seats grumbling.

" Some spy she is. What Hale doesn't know how to shoot a gun?" I heard someone say. I looked down thinking about that. I am the only one in my family that doesn't know how to shoot a gun.

" Nice one tiger." I heard Erica say into my ear. " Don't dwell on it that much. You'll learn how to shoot soon enough. And I bet you'll be better than all of them combined." She said. " You'll be better than me."

" I don't think that will be happening any time soon." I said. I made sure to speak quietly so that Mason or anyone else couldn't hear me.

There was a long pause. I think Erica might've left the chat. I didn't have time to think about it though. Class was starting.

" Today we will be learning the parts of a bomb. We'll start with the inner tube. Could everyone please unscrew the bolts with the bolt remover?" The teacher asked.

Everyone did what she said. I picked up the bolt remover, and began unscrewing the bolts. Dad taught me how to use one of these.

I started with the top right bolt. I got it out in ten seconds. I went on to the next bolt and the next bolt until finally, I unscrewed all of the bolts. I looked around the room. To my surprise, some people haven't even gotten the first bolt out yet.

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