Part 10 : The New Beginning

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"Hello, mom im home!" (Uzu Shouted)

(No answer)

"Hello, it's been a while why hasn't she answered." ( Uzu said)

*Uzu opened the door and walk on his mother dead on the flow*

"Mom, hey, hey! What happened!" ( Uzu Shouted)

*Uzu sees a fabric from Daonzo's men*

"Daonzo's soilders did this, and we took care of it. That's the most important thing. Dont worry mother, I'll make you proud." (Uzu said as he cries knowing he'll be alone)

*Transition to Zumo*

"So your mom was Konan?" (Zumo asks)

Yeah, She was in the Akatsuki. And died during her fight with Obito. (Konasa said)

"Hmmm, are you like her?" (Zumo asks)

"No, I never wanted to be." (Konasa explains)

*Konasa shows her paper jutsu to Zumo forming a flower*

"You have to realize this is how I am. Imagine if I was like her. Things wouldn't be the same." (Konasa said)

And your dad? (Zumo asked)

"Is Pain." (Konasa responded)

*Zumo sensed someone close by

"Zumo." (Uzu said)

"Yeah, Uzu." (Zumo replies)

"Um, my Mom died to one of Daonzo's soldiers." (Uzu said in sorrow)

"Uh, man how did that happen."(Zumo replies)

:I found her dead on the floor, I dont want to make any funerals. I just want to keep this on a low. Oh hi, Zumo's girlfriend." (Uzu said)

*Konasa blushes as Zumo takes in what Uzu said*

"You want me to help you?" (Zumo asks)

"Yeah please." (Uzu replies)

*Zumo gets up from off a bench and looks at Konasa*

"Konasa if you dont mind, I have to go but I'll be back though." (Zumo said)

Sure, no problem. I'll just go home, you can go with Uzu." (Konasa said as she leaves she has to leave without Zumo)

*Zumo grabs her hand*

"I'll be back." (Zumo Confidently said and left with Uzu)

*Transition to Yamoshi*

Damn you Jūden!!! You took my eye. I'll have to find a new eye to replace my old one. For now, I'll work on my skill to take my revenge on you and your damn friends. I'll put an end to this once and for all.

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