Save Me

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Harry Styles:

She killed her own father? what the hell was Derek on.

"You're kidding," I muttered as I shook my head.

"Why would I lie about something like that?" He glared.

"That's psychotic, Ansley isn't psychotic," I replied.

"All I want to know is why she would kill our own father. But you dumb asses had to come in and "save her" which ruined everything," Derek hissed.

"Well I mean she does look way more innocent than you," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm done talking, I'm about to go see Erica soon anyway," Derek smirked.

"Don't you dare touch Erica," I yelled as I struggled to get out of whatever was constraining me.

"I've touched her before you did bro," Derek laughed.

He stuffed a sock in my mouth before he walked back upstairs. 

I scanned the room looking for anything sharp. All the walls were behind shelves, each self with various old items like toys, and stuffed animals. Damn nothing looked sharp enough.

I had to get out of here I needed to get to Erica and Louis before Derek could. I felt my wrists getting wet and my hands felt clammy. Maybe I could release enough sweat, to slide my hands out of this knot. I began to take rapid breathes and increase my heart rate. If I put myself in a state of panic, I knew I would sweat like a pig. 

Erica Swan:

Louis and I turned around and drove over to Niall's house. He called the rest of the boys and told them to meet us there as well. 

"This is not good," I said repeatedly. 

I began to feel my heart beat a million times in my chest, what the hell was Derek doing? He was never like this before. He was a nice guy, never had his temper made him act so crazy. Ever since Ansley's name popped up he was normal. 

"It's going to be okay," Louis said and placed his hand on mine. 

He gently gave me a reassuring squeeze before he placed his hand back on the wheel. The entire ride there all I could think about was Harry's safety. I hope that idiot knew some ways to escape.

When we got to Niall's place, the rest of the boys were waiting for us. Louis did not do a good job of explaining the situation, so they were all stressed when we arrived. Each one bombarded us when questions till Louis ordered them to sit down and be quiet.

"Derek has got Harry hostage till we hand him Ansley," Louis said slowly.

"We can't do that!" Liam reasoned, "But we have to help Harry."

"I have an idea," I said and looked at all of them. 

All their heads turned simultaneously, and they waited for me to continue. 

"I, I can um pretend to be Ansley," I suggested. "I mean, dye my hair dark brown and pull a hood over my head, Derek won't be notice me till Harry's back with you guys!"

"No," Louis said firmly. 

He shot down my idea within seconds. I glared at him, its not like they had a better idea. And every second we're here trying to get an idea, the more time we're wasting.

"Why not?" I argued.

"Its too dangerous," he said and stared back at me.

"I can handle myself," I said defensively. 

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