Bad Timings

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Harry Styles:

After Erica left, I had to run over to the studio to sound check. I was a tad bit late, and by the looks of it, all the boys were pissed.

"I- uh- sorry," I mumbled as I went over to my recording mic next to Liam.

"Where were you?" Louis asked, he didn't look me in the eye.

Louis looked like he had been crying. Actually all the boys looked like they had been crying. Before I could ask what was wrong, Louis left the recording room. He slammed the door shut behind him. I looked at the other boys confused. What was his problem?

"You should go talk to him, he was just with Ansley," Zayn whispered as he left the room as well.

"Oh, yeah I'll be back," I said and waved goodbye as I walked in Louis' direction.

Louis was in his car, with the stereo on high. As I came closer to his car, I noticed he had his head down on the steering wheel, his shoulder moved up and down. He was shaking, but I couldn't see his face. I knocked on the window, but Louis probably didn't hear me.

I sighed and wiggled the door so it would open. Frustrated I kicked the door as I tried to get Louis attention. Pain shot up my leg as my foot made contact with the door of the car. The vibrations from my kick must have got Louis' attention because he looked up at the window.

I motioned him to open the door, and he reluctantly opened it. I pushed him over to the passenger seat and slid into the drivers seat. Slowly, I drove out of the parking lot and into the high way. I glared at Louis who was looking out the window. He sniffled every so often but didn't say a word. I drove at high speed toward our house.

It took a while with traffic, but I didn't want to talk to Louis until we got to the house and we talked face to face. The ride was silent, Louis quietly crying as I quietly cursed the driver who cut me off.

As we got onto our driveway, Louis jumped out of the car and ran to the house. I locked the car and ran behind him. Suddenly I heard a scream from the inside, and ran faster to Louis. As I got to him I noticed him glaring at the couch.

My eyes traveled to the couch to notice someone sitting there. Someone named Erica.

"Who are you? How the hell did you get in?" Louis asked, clearly pissed off.

"Calm down I'm here for Harry," Erica replied, not frazzled by Louis rage.

"Harry, can you and your new one timer girlfriend, leave," Louis said and left the living room.

Before I could reply, Louis slammed the door to his room. Making it clear that he didn't want company at the moment.

Erica scoffed and rolled her eyes. I glared at her, she could show some sympathy. I mean she was the one who just showed up in our house, talk about breaking and entering.

"Drama queen got the wrong cup of coffee at Starbucks?" Erica said sarcastically.

"What do you want, I said I'd call you," I muttered.

"Just- Well, I uh- I had to ask you something," She replied, clearly conscious of Louis being in a ear shot distance from where we were.

"Well, Louis made it clear he didn't want company, so you'd like to go somewhere else?" I asked and started to make my way to the door.

I heard Erica scrambling behind me as she gathered her things and followed me out the house. We got into the car and decided to go out into town. I decided to take our little meeting to the local Chinese Restaurant. It was a bit early for dinner, but it was the first place I could think of.

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