He's Back

643 29 3

Erica Swan:

Louis locked himself in his room. Probably since I didn't respond to his kiss, or his question. Did I want to be in a relationship with Louis? He's a nice guy but I don't know just yet.

My phone buzzed making me jump off the couch. I grabbed it and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. It was close to midnight, which made me wonder why I wasn't in bed yet.

I opened my texts to see I got one from Derek. Oh shit.

"Knock Knock," I read it out loud.

What the hell?

Just then I heard a knock on the door. My heart rate increased to a million beats per minute. Shit shit shit shit shit was he here?

I slowly creeped to the front door and peeked out the peek hole. I saw a fennel shirt and black skinny jeans. I couldn't see the person's head though.

"Shit they must be sleeping," the person said as he knocked the door again.

Well that isn't Derek for sure. I sucked in a deep breathe.

"Wh-who is it?" I said nervously as my hand touched the cold door knob.

"Erica! Its me Harry open up!" the person said pounding on the door.

"Well shit Harry you scared me," I hissed as I stepped aside for him to come inside.

I looked out the door before I closed it. I shook my head, what did Derek's text mean?

Harry was trying to untie his shoes, while he hopped in one spot. I laughed as he struggled to get it off his feet.

"Shut up," he smiled.

"You're so graceful," I replied before I went back to the kitchen.

"So why are you still awake?" Harry asked.

"No reason," I shrugged. I didn't want to tell him about the kiss.

"Alright, I'm off to bed," he said before he walked away.

"H-Harry," I called him.

"Yes love," he walked back.

"I- erm- I just wanted to say good night," I lied.

"Oh, yeah good night," he said awkwardly.

"Bye," I waved.

He walked towards me, his arms stretched out. I slowly walked into his arms, and felt his hands wrap tightly wrap around me.

"You'll be safe don't worry," he whispered in my ear before he let go.

"Thanks," I replied.

My phone began to ring so I turned around and took the call. It was Elena.

"Erica?" she asked.

"Yes Elena, what's up?" I answered.

"I'm so sorry Erica but- this is so hard for me to do- but I- I have to let you go," she stuttered.

"What are you talking about," I replied, my voice rose with every word.

"Look Erica, you're column just isn't popular enough, and we've got a new segment in," she admitted.

"But Elena-"

"This isn't easy for me, but just watch out for our next issue, you'll be surprised on what you'll read," she said before she hung up.

"Hey is everything okay?" Harry asked as he touched my shoulder.

I flinched at his touch which made him pull his hand away immediately.

"I just got fired," I whispered.

"What?" he exclaimed.

"I don't understand," I sighed.

"I'm so sorry Erica, I'll help you if you like," he suggested.

"How?" I questioned.

"Well I'm a celebrity, you're paparazzi, you get some shots of me and you'll get your job back in no time!" he said thrilled by his idea.

"No Harry, Elena said my column wasn't popular anymore," I muttered.

"Then we can get you another job, how would you like to be a photographer? Like one for photoshoots and stuff," he said.

"I don't know Harry, maybe," I said, "I just want to read which shit head stole my job."

He laughed before he gave me a hug again. "I'm glad you've still got that sass of yours."

I smiled as I snuggled into the hug. It felt so good to be held in someone's arms again, to be loved again. But this was Harry Styles, I cant possibly fall for this idiot.

"Yes you can totally fall for this idiot," he said laughing.

"What?" I said confused.

"You said you cant possibly fall for me," he said as he took my hand in his and rubbed his fingers against mine.

"I- I never," I started but Harry's hand quickly touched my mouth making me stop talking.

"Erica I don't want to push you," he whispered. "But I want you to know I'm always here for you."

"Thank you Harry," I sighed. "I still think you're an asshole," I smirked.

"Fair enough," he shrugged and smiled.

My phone began to ring again. I rolled my eyes before I answered the phone.

"Knock Knock," the voice said.

"De-Derek," I stuttered shocked.

"Well hello love," he said.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"I already got you're job so now all I need is you," he replied.

"You- you little dirtbag got my job!" I yelled.

Harry grabbed my phone from my hand and ended the call.

"Why is he calling?" he asked.

"I don't know," I lied.

"Erica," he warned.

"Harry," I said with the same tone.

"Don't Erica, don't play games with him. He's dangerous," he stated.

"Well I can be pretty damn dangerous too," I replied before I walked out to head off to bed.


hey guys  \\ BIG NEWS // I have a new fanfic its called SOCIOPATH and I hope yall check it out! Its going to be a Louis fanfic and of course Harry's going to be in it as a background character. I am so excited to start it! Please go read it and comment!

anyway back to this chapter! What did yall think? Harry and Erica? hmmm and what about Derek and his games?

-Tash x

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