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Harry Styles:

After Ansley stirred, all hell broke loose. The boys were excited, but worried. Our tour started soon, and we would soon leave to America. I, on the other hand was more worried about Derek and Erica. What if Derek spills to Erica?

I groaned as I reached over to call her. Maybe if I distract her enough...

"What the hell Styles?" Erica snapped when she picked up.

"Damn, calm down." This was going to be the most eventful weekend ever, especially for the media. I can see the headlines already, "Harry Styles Split from Taylor Swift". All the trends on Twitter and the fans reactions to it.

"Its 3 am, Harry. I'm allowed to be frustrated," she hissed.

"Okay, okay I'll make this quick. Book yourself a ticket to the Caribbean Islands!" I replied, and tried to make myself sound as enthusiastic as possible.

"You're insane. Right now?" she was practically yelling at me, though she tried to keep her voice low.

"Well, Taylor and I leave tomorrow, so yes," I stated plainly. "But hey you are not the one who gets to spend like 8 hours with her!"

"But harry darling don't you love her?" she teased.

"Shut up and get the tickets! I'll text you later about when I plan to break up with her okay?" I said and hung up.

After chatting with Erica, I decided to call Taylor. Oh dear God help me.

"You don't call me for a week, to be honest I kind of missed you Harry," she cooed.

"Uh, Taylor you are at home. You can drop the act."

"To be honest, its not an act. I know when we first agreed to sign that contract and fake our relationship I didn't like you at all, but now I think I might be falling for you Styles," she said sweetly though the phone.

"What?" I yelled.

"I know, its not my fault you're a hunk," she flirted.

"Taylor, stop," I said slowly. What the hell is she on?

"Harry! I think I love you, and don't lie I know you like me too," she giggled.

I sighed, this was going to be harder than I thought. Taylor was a sweet girl I guess, she just wasn't my type. She annoyed the shit out of me! "I just called to see if you were ready to go to the Caribbeans."

"Oh yes! It's going to be so much fun!" she squealed. I had to hold my phone away from my ears because her high pitched squeals hurt my ears.

"Alright then, see you on the jet," I said and hung up.

I fell back on my bed when my phone buzzed. I looked to see someone had mentioned me on Twitter. I don't mean like fans tagging me in their slightly perverted tweets but a verified account tweeted me. Curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to check it out before I fell asleep.

Surprise, surprise Taylor just tweeted, "Excited to go on vacation with my babe @Harry_Styles . Gonna be AMAZING!"

I groaned and hit my self in the face with a pillow. I had to do this, Taylor was just too clingy. And we had gotten enough publicity for a while anyway.

I fell asleep soon after, my mind went blank as I enjoyed a good four hours of sleep. I had woken up to Paul as he yelled at me to get off my ass and leave to the airport. Guess this was the big day!

Erica Swan:

I grabbed Derek's laptop and quickly booked a ticket. My flight left at 10 AM tomorrow, and reached at 6PM. I mentally punched myself because now I would have to wake up early to head home and pack my stuff.

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