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Stand tall for the dreams,

For the princes and the queens.

Stand tall for the fighters,

For the stars and their lighters.

Stand tall for the hopes,

For those who climb and their ropes.

Stand tall for the makers,

For the ones like me who conquered their breakers.

Slouch down for the killers,

For the house and its cracking pillars.

Slouch down for the cowards,

For the gambler and his cards.

Slouch down for the boring,

For the bloody hawk that halts its soaring.

Slouch down for the tears,

For the ones that have held it in for years.

Skip for the children,

For the baby and his grin.

Skip for the love,

For the hand and its glove.

Skip for the runners,

For the trip and the blunders.

Skip for the life,

For us people and our fife.

Stomp for the grown ups,

For the near empty cups.

Stomp for the hate,

For the horse and his gate.

Stomp for the slackers,

For the whiners and clackers.

Stomp for the death,

For the flower and its last breath.

Exist for the purpose,

For the mother and her fuss.

Exist for the journey,

For the soldier and his gurney.

Exist for the message,

For the bomb and the wreckage.

Exist for each other,

For if you don't, who will bother?

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