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The petal of a flower on a wide open road.

Space between the numbers on a computer code.

The crack in the brick of a mans humble abode.

Deep breaths taken after the relief of a load.

In each small moment,

There's a greater dose of hope.

Weaknesses of the world are few and far between,

If you appreciate the small things its easier to cope.

The drop in a rainstorm that lands on your ear.

Crackle of electricity before sparks appear.

The fruit fly that's over coming its human fear.

Tang of the favors when the spicy heat is near.

The big wants our attention.

Largeness has no polite way of making us see.

Looking beyond all monsters, good or bad,

Opens up your heart to how small happiness can be.

The dust that tickles your nostril before a large sneeze.

Smiles from the sunshine that put your mind at ease.

The child's plastic colorful kite that's floating on the breeze.

Couple cent deductions on any size of fees.

Subtlety is better,

In our world of huge and more.

But people have to look up! Pay attention!

No one deserves to miss what the small things have in store.

InBetween: A Collection of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now