The Straw

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~The Straw~

It's the straw that breaks the camels back

The lightest weight that makes us crack

It's the single word that cuts us deep

The nagging thought that keeps us from sleep

It's the butterflies that make us nervous

The people that make us cry on purpose

There is a balance to the good and bad

A logic to the happy and sad

People try and take the wheel

But they don't even understand what they feel

The little things, they do add up

The drops of water fill the cup

Others heap on burdens

While we just try to draw the curtains

It's not their place, or time, or right

To put our brightness into night

But they do it all the same

To the deaf, and crippled, and lame

You and I, we do it too

Just as much as others do

So please follow the unwritten law,

And never be someone's final straw.

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