★ | 012. i would never hurt you

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Book: Starving, Twilight
Chapter 12: I Would Never Hurt You
Word Count: 1987

For the past ten minutes as Aiden stood in the school grounds he could feel the stare of Edward on him

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For the past ten minutes as Aiden stood in the school grounds he could feel the stare of Edward on him. It seemed Edward love to do that now, just stare at him. It was annoying.

As soon as Bella noticed Edward, she left her brothers side and made her way over to him. Aiden simply rolled his eyes and looked away. As much as he pretended he didn't have the smallest crush on Edward, he did and seeing his sister with him, sent an unwelcome jealousy inside him.

"We need to talk." Bella said to Edward as she reached him.

Edward looked at her for only a moment before his eyes were back on Aiden and he frowned. He was afraid Bella had figured out what he was. He had tried not to give to much away the last time he had spoke to her but she was perceptive. If she had figured it out, there was no point in keeping the secret that he was a vampire from Aiden. If it was either of the Swan's that he wanted to tell the trust, it was him.

Instead of answering her verbally, he nodded his head. She looked at him confused as he left her side and went over to Aiden. "I know you're mad at me but please let me explain."

"Explain what, Edward?" Aiden said with annoyance.

"All you have to do is follow me and I will tell you everything. I promise. Any question you have for me I will answer honestly. Even how I stopped the truck."

Aiden whipped his head over to him with wide eyes. "You're going to tell me the truth?"

"It seems your sister has figured it out already and if she knows, I want you to know as well. Besides, I don't want to keep it from you anymore, you deserve to know."

It was hard for Aiden to believe that Edward really would tell him the trust. He felt like he had been trying to get it for so long and now he was finally going to get it? "If I come with you and you tell me another bullshit excuse I will make my dad shoot you." Aiden said, pointing a warning finger at Edward.

Edward smiled, a sight that made Aiden's heart skip a beat. "There will be no need to make your dad come after me. This isn't a trick."

"Good." Aiden nodded his head.

"Follow me." Edward gestured behind him and began to walk back towards Bella. She didn't look all too happy that Aiden was coming but there was nothing she could do about it. If Edward wanted him there then he was going to be there.

Both Aiden and Bella followed Edward from the school grounds and into the woods that was behind him. The more into the woods they got, the less confident Aiden became. He was starting to worry that maybe following Edward into the forest wasn't such a good idea. "You're not going to kill us are you?" He called out bluntly.

starving, twilight Where stories live. Discover now