★ | 004. the rude supermodel

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Book: Starving
Chapter 4: The Rude Supermodel
Word Count: 1487

Book: StarvingChapter 4: The Rude Supermodel Word Count: 1487

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Aiden rubbed at his eyes as he walked into his biology class. Bella was a little behind him, being talked to by Mike. It seemed she couldn't get away from him no matter how much she tried. Aiden was starting to find it quite amusing.

He approached the teacher, giving him his pass in exchange for the biology books. He looked down at the large books with a frown. Was he really expected to read all this? What a pain.

Bella moved past him, going to take the seat next to Edward Cullen. Aiden frowned as he saw the only other seat was next to Mike Newton. I don't want to get put with this dude, he whined.

"Actually, Miss. Swan? I have everyone assigned seats and your sitting in your brothers. Your seat is by Mr. Newton." Mr. Molina said, gesturing towards Mike who had a very happy smile on his face.

Bella frowned, a slight look of unhappiness in her eyes. She had wanted to sit next to Edward so bad. She had felt drawn to him when she saw him in the cafeteria and she thought this would be her chance to talk to him.

Aiden on the other hand was smiling widely. Not only did he not have to sit next to Mike, he got to be close to the supermodel. That was a win in his book. He made his way over to his seat when Bella got up and moved.

Mr. Molina began to speak on what they would be talking about for the lesson but Aiden didn't listen and turned to Edward. "Hey, lab partner. I'm Aiden. Nice to meet you."

Instead of answering him back with his name, Edward stared straight ahead, only bothering to take a glance at him when it was the glare.

Aiden narrowed his eyes. That was rude. "I get it. You're upset that you got me as a lab partner and not my sister but there's no need to be a dick about it." He said bluntly and turned back to Mr. Molina.

This wasn't how he expected Edward to act and it had shocked him. He glanced behind him at Bella, seeing her and Mike working. Maybe it would have been better it he had gotten Mike as a partner...

Time had seemed to go so slow as Mr. Molina babbled on about something. Biology wasn't a class Aiden was interested in. To be honest, he struggled in most of his classes. He didn't have the smarts like his sister did.

"Could you please stop looking at me like that?" Aiden questioned to Edward with tense shoulders. The pale boy kept glaring at him as if Aiden had done something personally wrong to him. Was he really that mad over not getting Bella? He was more obsessed then Mike.

Edward once again didn't answer and as soon as the bell rang, he was bolting out of his seat and practically running out of the classroom.

Aiden scoffed and threw his arms up. The only other thing he could think of that made Edward so upset was that he was homophobic and somehow found out about Aiden's sexuality... but that wasn't possible. No one but Bella knew about that. Charlie didn't even know.

starving, twilight Where stories live. Discover now