★ | 005. disappearance of edward cullen

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Book: Starving
Chapter 5: Disappearance Of Edward Cullen
Word Count: 1853

After a long and tiring first day, Aiden couldn't help but pass out on his bed as soon as he had gotten home

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After a long and tiring first day, Aiden couldn't help but pass out on his bed as soon as he had gotten home. He didn't think school and dinner would take this much out of him however his mind had been working overtime in thinking.

He didn't know how long he had been sleeping for but it hadn't felt like enough when he felt himself being shaken awake.

His eyes slowly opened and he glared when he saw Bella leaning over him with a phone to her ear. "No, he's not dead, he was just asleep." She said into the receiver before focusing on him. "Mum has been trying to call you and is mad you haven't answered."

Aiden groaned loudly in annoyance and rolled over so his face was squished into his pillow. "Tell her I'm to tired to talk." He mumbled, very prepared to go back to sleep.

Except on the other end of the line Renee demanded that her daughter give him the phone and Bella not being one to argue, put the phone on top of Aiden's ear and left the room.

Almost instantly, her loud voice yelled out and Aiden jumped up in fright, struggling to catch the phone before it fell to the floor. He mumbled angrily and brought it up to his ear, "why would you do this to me? You know how much I love sleep."

"Is it a crime to want to talk to my baby who I haven't seen in forever." Renee cooed out. "Wake yourself up. Your mother wants to talk to you."

He sighed loudly, letting his annoyance be shown and sat up, rubbing at his eyes tiredly. "Fine, fine. I'm awake. Don't get your panties in a twist."

Renee laughed at him and started to talk about what was going on. Telling him she and Phil might be moving to Florida. The more she talked, the more Aiden began to wake up and he didn't realise how much he missed being able to have a conversation with someone who was just as talkative as him and he didn't have to carry the conversation.

He laughed loudly when she told him about how much she hated technology and that was why she was calling off a pay phone.

"I miss you so much, baby." She said.

"I miss you to, mum." He responded. Which was the truth. He had never been away from her for this long before and he had more in common with her then he did with Charlie.

"How is school going" I hope the kids are being nice to you. What about guys? Have you met any cute guys? I bet they can't stay away from you." She rambled on.

He looked down at his lap with a small smile, "you should be asking Bella that. It's like she's honey and all the boys are bees. I'm invisible when I'm standing next to her."

Renee sighed, wishing she could be there to hug him when she heard the sadness in his voice. "Don't think like that, sweetie. You will meet someone one day and you will be all they think about."

starving, twilight Where stories live. Discover now