Voice from the pit

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A/N: ^current outfit for more everyday life and blending in.

I went to sleep quickly. Ares' presence, having worn me out mentally, but my dreams seemed wrong, I felt a suffocating grip surrounding me with dead that reminded me of when I faced Manus walking around me. A deep voice rang from the pit addressing me.

???: Ah, the tested, young hero, they won't save you, but I can if you do what is necessary and deal a blow they can't recover from.

Y/N: Who are you? What blow?!

My body screamed to leave get away from this pit, but I couldn't move as I felt this being's invisible hand wrap tighter around me as if to stop me from escaping.

???: Little wolf, I can give you what you missed out on. I can give you back what you lost.

He showed me my father, who died after our fight.

???: All I need from you is you to kill the hunters and imprison your mother.

He showed me on my other side my mother and her hunters as if this was an easy choice as they glared at me with hatred. I, for a moment, debated it, but how could I betray what my father loved and disgrace his name by wearing his armor then killing my mother with his blade, with this in mind I felt the grip tighten further as I felt the anger from my reluctant and resolve to refuse.

???: You will regret your choice, little wolf, and very soon.

The pressure was only growing worse as if I was going to die in this grip before it stopped, and a wolf howl was heard as I opened the eyes. I shut in pain, seeing a forest around me a full moon over my head as I felt a wave of calm cover me and as if a blanket was draped over me as I found a tree to rest against closing my eyes before feeling something laying it's head on my lap opening a eye slightly I see a young wolf pup resting with me it's siblings hanging back distant to me as I see a metaphor that reminded me of myself it's father off away and it's mother not paying attention to it as it wrangled it's younger siblings and sisters.

Y/N: Birds of a feather, huh little guy?

It howled  before fully hopping into my lap.

Y/N: One day, we'll find where we belong in this world pup when that day comes. I hope to see you again.

I petted the wolf for a bit before I fell back into a dark slumber, waking back up around the rest. I clear my head from the nightmare as I found a place to wait for the others to get Percy up as Grover talked to a pink poodle?

Grover: Y/N say hello to Gladiola.

Y/N: Sorry, what?

Grover held up the poodle expectantly at me.

Y/N: are you serious.

Grover: Deadly.

The poodle growled at me. I sighed and shook my head before speaking.

Y/N: Hello, it's nice to meet you, Gladiola. If that's all Grover, tell me when we are heading out.

Eventually, Percy woke up looking like death itself had visited him. We traveled lightly and had to hide Percy carefully as newspapers had him plastered all over them, and we boarded a train to Denver. Sleep was hard to come by with the dreams and Grover's snoring.

Annabeth: So who won't you help Percy?

My attention was drawn to them as Percy opened up about his dreams and the same voice I heard. So this voice, whoever it is, wants anyone it can on its side and will make deals with vulnerable half-bloods to achieve its goals but who was the voice could it be Hades but why would he be in a pit when the dead weren't? And did my mother pull me from the nightmare, and why didn't she talk to me if she did?

A/N: Sorry this took so long to come out but I have a vote for you all. Should I make his significant other one of these two?

 Should I make his significant other one of these two?

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