We visit the Gateway Arch

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We passed the Mississippi River as Annabeth looked at a strange arch building as she spoke up.

Annabeth: I want to do that

I raised an eyebrow to me it was just a strange building in the middle of the city.

Percy: What?

Annabeth: Build something like that. Have either of you seen the Parthenon?

Percy: Only in pictures.

Y/N: Never heard of it.

Annabeth: How have you never heard of it Y/N?

Y/N: I'm from another world, remember also it's nothing compared to Anor Londo back in its prime. At least, in my opinion.

Annabeth: anyway Percy of course I want to make something Athena expects all her children to build something unlike a certain god who destroys things with earthquakes.

Y/N: Enough with the subtle shots at his dad, we need to work together, not let stupid parent rivalries get in our way.

Annabeth: Sorry, Percy, that was mean of me.

Percy: Can't we get together a little? I mean, didn't Athena and Poseidon ever cooperate?

Annabeth: I guess the chariot? My mom invented it, but Poseidon made horses out of the crests of waves. So they had to work together to make it complete.

Percy: Then we can cooperate, too, right?

Annabeth: I suppose.

We were pulling into downtown of the city.

Y/N: We can and stop comparing yourself to you parents you both are your own person you may share their blood but you make your own choices in the end be it honoring them or doing what you perceive as best.

The intercom went off telling us we had a three hour layover before departing for Denver. Thankfully, Grover decided to wake up about now.

Grover: Food?

Annabeth: Come on goat boy. Sightseeing.

Grover: Sightseeing?

Annabeth: The Gateway Arch. This may be my only chance to ride to the top. Are you coming or not.

Y/N: Sure, best we stick close together, lest monster attack us unawares.

Grover shrugged.

Grover: As long as there's a snack bar without a monster.


We went down into the entrance to the arch and as we went down Percy had asked about Hades and from it I wouldn't blame Hades if he was resentful to his family only being allowed on Olympus one day a year seemed wrong and from the legends I did read in my free time Hades isn't the worst of his siblings and rather was quite honorable in his dealings with mortals.

We approached an elevator getting on it, and my nerves were on overdrive as I stood next to a lady and her small dog something just felt off to me.

???: No parent's?

Annabeth: They're below. Scared of heights.

???Oh, the poor darlings, at least you have your older brother here.

There was a chill that went down my spine. The small dog growled at me.

???: Now, now, sonny. Behave.

Percy: Sonny, is that his name?

???: No.

We finally made it to the top, and I made my distance from the lady something about her screamed danger. Annabeth could have stayed up here for hours, but finally a ranger said the observation deck was closing. As we guided Annabeth and Grover into an elevator we saw it was already full.

Ranger: Next car, sir.

Annabeth: We'll get out. We'll wait with you.

Percy: Naw, it's okay. Y/N and I will meet you at the bottom.

Something told me to look at the lady, and I saw a forked tongue slip from her lips as she smiled at Percy. The dog started barking wildly at us and my gut knew it was more then just a dog now.

Lady: Now, now sonny. Does this look like a good time? We have all these nice people.

Boy: Doggie! Look, a doggie!

The boy's parents pulled him back, and I was beginning to think Percy and me should also back up to the exit.

Lady: Well, son, if you insist.

Percy: Did you just call that chihuahua your son?

Lady: Chimera dear. Not a chihuahua. It's an easy mistake to make.

She revealed her true appearance to us more reptilian like and her dog grew until it fill the top of the arch.

Y/N: Percy, we need a plan out of here. Percy?

I looked at him to see him frozen in shock of the Chimera.

Lady: Be honored, Percy Jackson and Y/N. Lord Zeus rarely allows me to test a hero with one of my brood. For I am the Mother of Monsters, the terrible Echidna!

Percy: Isn't that a king of anteater?

Echidna: I hate it when people say that! I hate Australia! Naming that ridiculous animal after me! For that, Percy Jackson, my son shall destroy you!

The Chimera charged us Percy lept away while I rolled under and past it trying to get to Echidna. I was closing on her fast, but the snake head tried to stop me only to be sliced of the Chimera's body. Then I smelt something burning as the Chimera breathed fire at Percy. In that split second I looked away, I felt as two razor-sharp claws dug into my side. I swung at Echidna, forcing her back as I stumbled away. I collapsed as my hearing and vision started to fade in and out. Was this where I died? I looked up, seeing Echidna distracted talking to Percy.

Echidna: They just don't make heroes like they used to, eh, son?

Percy moved to the edge of a hole made by the Chimera during their fight. I slowly forced myself up as I used the sword to support me to a standing position.

Echidna: If you are the son of Poseidon, you would not fear water. Jump, Percy Jackson. Show me that the water will not harm you. Jump and retrieve your sword. Prove your bloodline.

I was getting closer to Echidna as she kept speaking.

Echidna: You have no faith. You do not trust the gods. I cannot blame you, little coward. The gods are faithless. The poison is in your heart.

Percy got closer to the edge looking down as I raised my sword for a suicide charge on Echinda and the Chimera.

Echidna: Die faithless one!

Percy: Father, help us.

Percy jumped as I impaled Echinda and the Chimera on my sword and plunged through the hole with both of them hoping they'll take most of the force of the landing for me, even if I die regardless. We hit the water hard, and everything went black around me as the monsters both turned to gold dust.

A/N: I've decided I'll do both Malenia and Ranni as the pairing.

Child of the Abyss Walker and the HuntWhere stories live. Discover now