New Home?

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My body was sore and tired, but there was still one thing that had to be fought as I approached where it was. My father's armor and sword being all I have left of him remembering his last words to me on how I was special and would do many great things, before he came to face this monster. The closer I got the more the darkness seemed to try and consume me. Suddenly a hand grabbed me throwing me further into the dark as I hit the ground tumbling to a stop looking around for my opponent, seeing him, Manus father of the abyss before me about to attack, sending me straight on the defensive barely dodging in time as his hand slammed where I once stood, the fight was long and grueling with me barely winning but having multiple broken bones. I expected to appear where I was before ending up here but instead I was in a forest that I don't remember, I heard some people talking from my right seeing a fire perhaps they could help me. I walked towards them while my size seemed to change to be smaller about 6'1 instead of my normal 10 feet tall. As I entered the camp sight I heard bow strings being drawn as almost all of them aimed at me except for one at the very center who looked a lot like me, just Younger could it have been a little sister?

???: Artorias?

Y/N: I am afraid not he passed away 10 years ago.

???: Then who are you male?

Her tone was hostile as if I would be a enemy if I said one wrong thing.

Y/N: I am his son Y/N L/N

I removed my helmet revealing Black hair and Silver eyes. My eyes widened as I felt the pain in my chest return forcing me to my hands and knees as I coughed up blood what happened next shocked me

???: Get him medical attention now!

???: Lady Artemis why should we help him?

Artemis huh sounds familiar for some reason father said that name once.

Artemis: He is my son I'll explain how later for now must help him.

Y/N: Mom....

I then blacked out from the pain coming to hours later getting a run down of what is going to happen with me.

Artemis: I am sending you to a camp for kids like you and will reveal that I am your mom when the time is right. But I have questions to ask you about later when we next meet.

With that I began the journey to this camp everything was fine, I even learned to not speak the way I would normally as it seems no one understands it sometimes before arriving just outside the camp as a, Tarus demon? Man-Bull hybrid thing was attacking two kids and a woman, who were retreating to the camp, I returned to my normal size as I charged to help them before they died at the monsters hands. My sword plunged into the monsters leg completely removing the limb, as it roared in pain, and anger as it reached out for the woman. I grabbed it by the shoulder pulling it away from her lifting it up in one hand as the storm raged around us driving my sword into the monsters chest before stabbing it into the ground before it seemed to dissolve into gold dust disappearing in the storm. Turning around the Woman placed herself between me and the kids, I sheathed my sword walking past them in to the camp.

Y/N: You just going to stand out there or are you coming in to the camp.

With that I left shrinking down to the size of a normal human time to learn more about this camp.

Child of the Abyss Walker and the HuntWhere stories live. Discover now