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He felt himself floating,he couldn't open his eyes and he was sure he was in water from the way he could feel it go through in and out of his nose.

Ah awake i see

'the hell?'did someone just talk to him?his face twitched.

Don't panic now my sweet little Ash,just know you will be out in about a few minutes

'get out?am i in a tube?'

like the voice said a few minutes later he felt the water he was in drain(yes he counted the seconds)he opened his eyes,standing up shakely in what he could conform was a tube.

there we go~

he looked foward to see a man,old but not that old staring at him with warm eyes.

the man pressed a button and the tube opened,he took a step,looking around curiously.

"Sleepy Ash dear"the man walked up to him and pat his head,he looked at him with wide eyes"let's get you some clothes"he was naked?


he put the hood over his head,tilting his head he put a finger to the eye bags that he had,he was sleeping for who knows how long and he had them,how?!

then he realised something...

'that nickname and the clothes...wait am i Kuro from Servamp?'he didn't have the energy to panic,suprisenly.

"so i'm a immortal vampire"he said,humming as he heard how his voice sounded like'monotone and low,possibly husky?i was never good at being able to put things to word when trying to describe things'.

he liked it,it was better then the voice he had back then anyway.(for a second he wonders how he is here,but stopped when he deemed it to troublesome)

he heard a knock on the door,realizing he has been staring at himself in the mirror for quite some time in the bathroom he quickly opened the door.

"ah Ash,for a second i thought you fell asleep,they look good on you"well if this guy who said to call him father couldn't tell,he was about to pass out right then and there.

"tired.."he mumbled out,his father chuckled before pointed at a basket full of blankets and a small pillow"well you can sleep there untill i decorate you're room,you do remember what i told you yes?"he nodded and walked over to it,with a single thought he popped into a black cat,he jumped into the basket and snuggled up to it.

he could hear his father walk away,probably going to see the other tubes he saw before.

he fell asleep not long after,dreaming about capturing a fluffy pillow.


a year later,all the other servamps were made,he never walked up to them,and his father respected that he didn't want to talk to them,but he did talk about what they did every day to him,which he listened with a small smile.

the lazy vampire was recently told how his younger siblings would wonder about him,asking father about him.

father didn't of course,why would he when he knew hes oldest liked to be alone all the time.

the immortal had all the time in the world after all.

except..one night he was awake playing on his Nintendo DS,yes you heard that right,his father was actually pretty rich,so this was nothing compared to what other things he was given.(also apperantly he was told the device is very old,he had mildly thought why it was old)

he was playing pokemon black if you wondered...

he had stopped when he heard a creak at his door,his instincts told him it wasn't his father so he quickly saved and put the device down on the bed.

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