Yin and Izuku got on the bus,Iida with a whistle in hand telling them to line up in twos.

'Day for the training thing Izu kept talking about yesterday,hope i get to sleep..'

Later he would curse himself for jinxing it.

He meowed as someone else picked him up,looking up he saw...Aizawa?Izuku looked dumbfounded.

He started to get petted by the teacher,he shrugged it off and purred,enjoying it.

Minutes later(he wasn't counting)they arrived,Aizawa gave him back to his eve.

"That was unexpected"the teen said putting Yin on his head,the servamp mewled and swished his tail infront of Izuku's face,the ua student giggled.

Then someone in a astronaut costume came,saying they had something to say,Yin decided to sleep it off as the hero kept going on and on...


he was awoken by breathing in water...

he swam up,his little appendages going in every direction trying to swim,he was kinda regretting on never learning how to swim.

he blowed a bubble,stopping and just floating there,wondering if he should just fly out,he snapped hes head to the sound of water,seeing Izuku's classmate Asui he relaxed and let her grab him.

he was put down on a ship,he shook himself,getting almost all the water on his fur,seeing Izuku was there to made him meow and rub himself on the teen.

"Yin!i'm glad Asui got you!"Izuku hugged him,Yin's spiked collar slightly poking at the grennette neck.

Yin watched as Izuku do the plan he made,Asui quickly grabbing him as they finaly got out of the shipwreck.

they had watched as the teacher tried to fight what the blue haired man called Nomu,he was getting really nerveus.

Izuku got up from hes hiding spot,a look of determination on him as he clenched his fists.

'This is gonna go badly if i don't intervene'Yin thought as he looked at the scene infront of him,the man suddenly charged at hes eve,hand brought up.

Hes eyes widen as he remembered what the villain could do,as quick as a cheetah he ran infront of the teen and hissed before...turning into human form...

blue claws forming he slashed at the man,the light blue haired man jumped back,his shirt ripping open slightly.

Izuku gasped"Yin?!you!"the servamp nodded and put his hands in his pockets as the blue claws disappeared.

his eve sighed but held hes hand out,Yin took it gently and nibbled on it.

just as Yin finished and the chains as well the Nomu appeared infront of him,he quickly kicked it,making sure he actually put some force behind it,unlike last time...

Izuku got his weapon out and started writting,Yin nodded and got hes claws out again,he fought the Nomu,dodging the punches and kicking when there was a opening.

meanwhile four servamps watched,they're eves watching with wide eyes at the duo"that's..Nii-san"Pearl said quietly.

Cactus jaw was practicaly on the floor as Diablo shut it"he was that cat the whole time"the servamp of envy said,Cactus shook his head having finally snapped out of it.

"he tricked me in buying so much cat food!"Kirishima chuckled at the distressed servamp,Denki got on the floor laughing and holding hes stomach.

Robin stared blankly at the fight before finally speaking"i have never been tricked so hard.."Momo pat the servamp on the shoulder.

Mina continued to watch the fight with stars in her eyes...


Izuku started to write again in hes book,sometimes dodging Yin as the servamp protected him,the older man having ordered the Nomu to target the teen.

Yin sighed in relief as a thought that wasn't his came,he locked eyes with the brain on the things head and stabbed it with his claws.

he kept at it,the creature getting more weak with each stab untill it fell on the floor dead.

Yin looked at the man who was scratching hes neck,it started to bleed as he started talking about how it was unfair and that he cheated.

suddenly the door to the USJ(he finally remembered the name)open and in came the heros.

sadly the man and apperantly another with a portal quirk escaped,leaving the low life behind.

he turned into a cat and jumped into Izuku's arms,the teen smiled widely at him"you can sleep now Yin,you deserve it!"he did so with ease...

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