when he had woken up he was questioned by the principal of the school Nezu,the animal was smart that's for sure.

after that he was cornered by his..brothers,he told them some things,really he didn't care what they're reaction would be anymore,so he just walked away after telling them he killed father.

Izuku pet him the whole way home,the big smile on his face never withering.

as Izuku opened the door to their house he quickly turned into human form and sprinted over to the kitchen where Inko was making dinner.

they got scolded by her as she set up the table before hugging them and telling them to be more carefull next time.

they eat slowly,enjoying echothers company.

when they finished Inko suggested a round of UNO before going to bed,Izuku nodded his head furiously with a giant grin on while Yin prayed to the universe for mercy.

somehow Yin ended up winning,though not without Inko that he wasn't aloud cat food for a week,Izuku gave him the stink eye untill they went to their bed.

the teen fell asleep with Yin on his lap purring...

Yin thought about what the future may hold for him as he slowly but surely fell asleep too...

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