Chapter 11: Nothing to worry about

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"So that was your ex?" Sarah asks, looking at me with wide eyes.

We are sat in the lounge as I fill in Sarah what happened while I was outside.

"Yep." I reply

"The one who broke your heart years ago?" Sarah questions again

"The very same," I reply,

"The one you wrote that beautiful song about?" Sarah asks as worry seeps into her voice,

"Yes but believe me I feel nothing for that woman, it was 10 years ago." I say quickly, trying my best to reassure her.

Sarah looks away from me, obviously feeling uncertain about the idea of seeing my ex again.

"Sarah look at me," I say as I take her hands in my own. 

"For years I thought I was in love with Christina but then I met you and now I know what actual love is. I never felt this way with her." I look into her eyes as I speak, making sure she understands how honest I am being.

Sarah's eyes well up a little and she moves her hands to my cheeks.

"God I love you," she says with a small laugh. 

I press a kiss into the palm of her hand.

"Not as much as I love you." I reply

We sit there for a minute or so before Sarah excuses herself to check her makeup is OK before we leave for the party.

I stay sat on the couch, feeling the need to just be with my own thoughts for a moment. Seeing Christina again was such a shock, I've changed so much as a person since we broke up. I truly hope her intentions are as genuine as she made out. It just seems so convenient that as soon as I have some sort of success she suddenly needs my help. And how did she even know where Sarah and I lived?

Sarah walks into the room again, make up freshened up and all evidence of any tears covered up. She leans down and presses a kiss onto my cheek, leaving a very prominent, very red, lipstick mark on my face.

"As much as I love any kiss from you now I have to go clean this off," I say with a laugh as I stand up. I take one step away before Sarah grabs my arm to stop me.

"No leave it," she says with a mischievous smile.

"Are you serious?" I say, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Well... you can take it off if you want I would never make you do anything you didn't want to. But part of me does like the idea of everyone outside this house knowing that no matter who shows up at the door, that this ass is mine!" she ends her sentence with a smack on my ass and I can't help but laugh as she grins at me.

We laugh together as I pull her in for a hug and kiss her on the cheek.

"Well OK then, let's go," I say as I move to put on my jacket that I had slung over the back of the couch.

"Wait, really?" 

"Are you kidding? I'm happy for everyone to know that this ass is yours" I say as I walk towards the front door, wiggling my butt a little as I go.

Sarah grabs her purse and heads towards the door as well

"Oh really?" She says as she straightens my collar before we step outside

"Well, unless Cate Blanchett shows up at the door looking for me," as soon as I finish speaking Sarah's purse hits me in the back of the head.

"Ow! Kidding! I'm just kidding!" I squeel as I open the front door and hop outside before Sarah has time to hit me again. 

"You know I know Cate right?" Sarah says with a small smile.

"Why you saying you can set me up?" I ask with a devious smile and I see Sarah raising her purse again.

"Kidding! I'm still kidding!" 


The party last night as great, the AHS family spoilt us in everyway. I woke up and Sarah is still fast asleep beside be. She got pretty wild last night so I imagine she has quite the hangover as well. Since Sarah and I got back together I haven't really been drinking, it scared both of us how much I relied on it while we were apart. 

I glance over at Sarah a last time before I hop out of bed and walk to the kitchen to make some coffee. I grab some aspirin out of the cupboard knowing that Sarah is definitely gonna need it.

Sure enough just as I pour the coffee, Sarah stumbles out of the bedroom. She's covering her eyes with both hands.

"Coffee... need coffee..." she mumbled out as she sat at the counter.

"Well good morning to you to sunshine," I say with a smile as I slide the coffee and aspirin to Sarah. Her eyes light up as grabs the coffee and downs the aspirin. Sarah continues to sip on the coffee while I make us both some breakfast. 

I place a plate of pancakes in front of Sarah and she gazes up at me.

"Have I asked you to marry me yet?" Sarah says dreamily as she starts shovelling pancake into her mouth.

"Do you not remember getting married last night?" I reply with a straight face and Sarah's eyes widen.

"What?" she asks as a chunk of pancake falls from her mouth. I can't hold in my laughter at the sight in front of me.

"I'm just fucking with you but oh my god you're reaction was incredible," I say a little out of breath from laughter.

"You know what just for that I'm never gonna ask, you have to ask me." Sarah says with a pout.

I move and sit next to Sarah at the counter. I lean in close to her before I speak.

"Oh I think I can handle that," I say and press a quick kiss onto Sarah's lips before starting to eat my own breakfast. Sarah smiles sweetly at me and I wink at her as we finish eating.


After we had finished eating, Sarah did the dishes while I went and got dressed.

I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed my car keys.

"You're leaving?" Sarah asks

"Yeah, unfortunately I should go and check on my apartment since the devil has moved into it," I say with a sigh. Sarah walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I lean my forehead onto hers and take a deep breath.

"Well no matter what happens just know that I'll be here in our home, waiting for you." Her lips hover over mine as she finishes speaking and I lean forward to close the gap between us. As we pull away to breathe I move her hands and place them on my behind.

"Still yours." I say with a smile.

"Damn right."



New chapter for you beautiful folks - I just randomly decided to write it so sorry if its terrible its like 2am while I'm writing this lmao.

Hope you are all doing well,



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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