Chapter 9: Why are you back?

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"Sarah where is the box with my pants in it?!" I yell out to my girlfriend as I stumble through the maze of boxes in our living room. I'm still getting used to calling it that... our living room, our house. It's new but it feels so right.

"I think its near the one with your shoes!" Sarah calls out in reply.

I look around at all the unlabeled boxes.

"Babe that really doesn't help me..." I say while I start opening random boxes.

Sarah suddenly appears out of nowhere and immediately finds the right box.

"How did you-?" I tried to ask but Sarah cut me off by shoving a pair of pants in my arms while a smug smile plastered across her face.

"Get dressed, we have to go soon!" Sarah says and places a kiss on my cheek as she walks away.

I rush off into our bedroom to get dressed. Our friends from American Horror Story are throwing us a party to celebrate us moving in together. They are the sweetest people, I can't help but feel extra grateful for my relationship with Sarah. It's changed my life in so many ways for the better it honestly feels like I'm dreaming.

 I hear the doorbell ring as I'm getting ready but I don't think much of it, knowing Sarah will take care of whoever it is. 5 minutes pass in silence when I hear Sarah call out for me. I run out to find her and see he still standing by the open front door. I look at Sarah who looks scared of something? I look to the person stood outside the door and freeze as I meet there eyes. It can't be... theres no way.

"Christina?" I blurt out in shock.

"It's good to see you again Alex." She replies and confirms that my nightmare is in fact happening.

Christina. My ex. The ex that broke my heart ten fucking years ago. All of a sudden reappearing just as I have started making a name for myself, how convenient.

"Sarah baby you go keep getting ready, this wont take long." I say looking at my girlfriend giving her a small smile. Sarah walks over to my side and grasps my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"No worries sweetheart, just remember we have to leave in 30 minutes to make it to the party." Sarah gave my hand one last squeeze before walking back into our room. I take a deep breath before walking closer to Christina.

"You better have some great fucking reason to show up at my house like this."


ok ok ok

first of all im sorry this is so short

second of all im sorry ive been gone for so long

I've been busy filming believe it or not, gotta try meet Sarah somehow lol jk but ya know

Anyway this is just a filler because I'm planning a much longer chapter that needed a little "introduction" chapter first.

For you guys who are still hanging in there with me I love u so much, this story is almost at 1k reads and I can't believe it. This is purely just for fun so I never really thought people would read and like this story.

Anyways thanks again for being so patient.



Unlikely CompanionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora