Chapter Two: Don't be alone

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A/N: Hello! Just wanted to say the picture is what Sarah is wearing in this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

- Esupports


It's been 4 weeks since Sarah came into the store for the first time. She stops in twice a week and I look forward to each visit. Her smile lights up the whole store, we make each other laugh and the moment she leaves it feels as if I go back to living in slow motion just counting down the time until she comes back. I feel kind of ridiculous thinking about her this way since I hardly know her, but I believe in fate and something in my soul is telling me I was meant to meet her.

Its now 9:45 on a Saturday night and I'm the only one working in the store, we close at 10pm so I'm counting down the minutes until I'm free. The store is completely dead and has been for what feels like hours. All of a sudden the bell attached to the front door rings and I look up to see the customer. 

To my surprise Sarah walks in. She looks flustered and as if she has been crying. She is wearing a tight fitting black dress, not something you would typically wear for a quick trip to the grocery store. She looked up and her eyes met mine, she gave a small shy smile before diverting straight to the wine section of the store.

'She must have had a bad night' I thought to myself

If it was any other customer I wouldn't really think much of the situation but because it was Sarah I wanted to know what was wrong and that she was OK. I wanted to hold her and make sure she knew everything would be alright. As I was stood thinking Sarah slowly made her way to the counter. She placed down two bottles of wine by my hands.

"Rough night?" I say

"You could say that," Sarah replies, sighing deeply and rubbing her temple as if she had a headache.

"You going to be alright?" I ask

"I think so, yeah." she replied again

"Are you planning on drinking both of these yourself?" I say, gesturing to the two bottles on wine on the counter.

"It sure looks like it." Sarah says and it looks like her eyes are welling up with tears. She looks away from you and clears her throat. When she turns to face you again she looks well composed again, one of the plus sides of being an actress I guess. As I look at her I feel worry build in my chest, what if she gets really drunk and something happens while she's alone I would feel so awful. I have to try and help, even if she shuts me down at least she will know someone is looking out for her.

"Listen Sarah, I don't know if I'm overstepping by saying this but I close the store in 10 minutes. If you don't wanna be alone, I'd be happy to hang out with until you're feeling a little better?" I ask nervously, that was probably way to forward but its too late to take it back now.

Sarah is stood just staring at me and I want the world to swallow me whole at this point. Suddenly her face breaks into a soft, warm smile and light fills her sad eyes.

"Why would you do that for me?" she asks curiously, with her hypnotising soft voice.

"Honestly I'm not sure, but every bone in my body is telling me to make sure you are OK tonight." I reply meaningfully, looking into her eyes as I speak.

"Well if every bone in your body is telling you then who am I to argue?" Sarah replied with a small giggle.

I can't help but smile widely as I realise I get to be with Sarah outside of the four walls on the grocery store.

"My office is just over there if you wanna sit and wait while I close up?" I say, pointing to my office door just across the shop floor.

"You have an office? You your bosses favourite or something?" Sarah says with a laugh.

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